中华教育学会第二届年会/The 2nd CSE Annual Conference (CSE 2025): 数字时代的全人发展:全球脉络下的中国视角与实践/Whole Person Development in the Digital Era: Chinese Perspectives and Practices in a Global Context, July 10-11, 2025, Education University of Hong Kong, China.
中华教育学会成立典礼暨首届年会/The Inauguration of the Chinese Society of Education and the 1st CSE Annual Conference (CSE 2024): 互学、合作与共荣:全球视野下的中华教育/Reciprocal Learning, Collaboration and Co-prosperity: Chinese Education in Global Perspectives, July 28-29, 2024, Western University, London, Canada.
- CSE 2024:参会者会后体验问卷报告/Post-Conference Survey Report
- ScienceNet:中华教育学会首届年会举行
- Western U.: Western University Welcomes Distinguished Guests from China
- BNU:教育学部团组参加中华教育学会首届年会
- Columbia U.:精彩回放——中华教育学会成立典礼暨首届年会
- Tsinghua U.:新闻直通——中华教育学会成立典礼暨首届年会成功举办
- Shenzhen U.:学术论坛 | 李树英教授赴加拿大参加首届中华教育学会年会并做主旨演讲
- Xiamen U.:我院博士生赴加拿大参加中华教育学会首届年会
- BIT: 北京理工大学教育学院博士后张泽慧参加首届中华教育学会年会
July 28 (Sun.): Opening Ceremony (9:30-10:15am), Concurrent Sessions 1-2 (10:15-11:45am/14:30-16:00pm), Keynote Speechs 1-2 (13:00-14:15pm/16:15-17:30pm), Western University Tea Breaks (14:15-14:30pm/16:00-16:15pm), Columbia University Lunch Reception (11:45am-13:00pm), and BNU Dinner Reception (17:30-19:00pm); Self-Check-in (8:45am-17:45pm).
July 29 (Mon.): Concurrent Sessions 3 (9:30-11:00am), Keynote Speech 3 (11:15am-12:30pm), Presidential Address (13:45-14:30pm), Annual General Meeting (14:30-15:00pm), Closing Ceremony (15:00-15:15pm), Western University Tea Break (11:00-11:15am), Zhejiang University Lunch Reception (12:30-13:45pm); Self-Check-in (8:45am-14:30pm).
July 30 (Tue.): After-Conference Events: 1) Western University Campus Tour (self-organized); 2) London City (self-organized); 3) Peter Robson Studios & Port Stanley (by reservation; swimming suits & towel expected).
- Your Online Registration is REQUIRED before coming to attend CSE 2024. There won't have onsite registration available for participants.
- You as a participant are REQUIRED to self-check in to pick up your name badge before attending CSE 2024. Meanwhile, please wear your name badge all the time during the conference period.
- To self-check in and pick up your name badge, please follow the three steps below:
- Self-Check-in Hours:
- Self-Check-in Venue: Reception Desk inside the Front Entrance of Althouse (Faculty of Education).

Address: 230 Sarnia Road, London, N6G 0N2
1-2 minutes on foot from CSE 2024 Venue (Please see MAP)
Click EXAMPLE on how to book with required information, if needed.
Address: 1480 Richmond St, London, N6G 0J4
5-7 minutes from CSE 2024 Venue by Yellow London Taxi or Uber
Address: 242 Pall Mall St, London, N6A 5P6
5-7 minutes from CSE 2024 Venue by Yellow London Taxi or Uber
Address: 325 Dundas St, London, N6B 1T9
8-10 minutes from CSE 2024 Venue by Yellow London Taxi or Uber
Address: 300 King St, London, N6B 1S2
8-10 minutes from CSE 2024 Venue by Yellow London Taxi or Uber