Research Centres

Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education
Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education, located in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario, is a research association composed of faculty members, research associates, and graduate students who share an interest in inclusive education research.
Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children
The Centre is committed to the development and application of knowledge for the prevention of violence against women and children through promoting innovation, collaboration and equality.
Centre for School Mental Health
Western has established the Centre for School Mental Health to address the need for improved services and outcomes for children at-risk for or presenting with mental health challenges.
Centre for the Science of Learning
An interdisciplinary group of researchers and educators, composed of experts in educational research, cognitive psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. By closing the gap between researchers and educators in the K-12 educational setting, the Centre for the Science of Learning aims to further the knowledge on how children learn in hopes to transform educational practice and policy.
Chinese Society of Education
The Chinese Society of Education (中华教育学会 [CSE]) at Western University was founded on December 12th, 2023 by a group of academics and practitioners in the field of education. The newly founded Society is a research community focusing on Chinese and related studies and practices of education in the greater China region and beyond.
Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice is a network of stakeholders interested in supporting collaborative scholarship that enables new and expansive ways of thinking about curriculum in schools, in our communities and in higher education settings.
Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic
The Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic has one goal: Setting children and families up for success. We do this by supporting practice and research in real world settings with clients from the community and from Merrymount.
Researching International and Contemporary Education (RICE)
The central aim of this research group is to deepen our collaborative capacities as faculty, graduate students and community partners to develop and engage new conceptualizations and innovative approaches to researching international and contemporary forms of education in a globalizing world.