New Student Checklist
Program Information
Each teacher candidate will specialize in one of seven areas of need in the teaching profession. In the summer, Teacher Candidates will request their specialty areas choice and the Teacher Education office will confirm choices before course registration opens.
Visit the Course Schedules page to see the program overview and scheduling timeline.
In July/August, Teacher Candidates will be given appointment times to register for their required courses. As of September 2020, our Initial Teacher Education program became pass/fail. We are very excited about this initiative which will allow teacher candidates to “focus...on developing the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies needed to seamlessly enter the profession and become capable professionals”. See our media release for more details.
Practicum placements are made by the Teacher Education Office in partnership with the school boards. The Teacher Education Office will arrange your placements to fulfill your program requirements and certification by the Ontario College of Teachers. Teacher candidates are invited to identify their preferred school board prior to each practicum placement but should be prepared to commute up to 90 minutes. Additional practicum policies are available here. While there have been uncertainties around practicum during the pandemic, we have been able to arrange onsite placements in most cases. We also understand that you may be less certain about your Practicum board choice in light of the uncertainty. We really wish we had more concrete answers! We will continue to share information as it becomes available.
Teacher candidates must meet all of the school board’s pre-placement requirements before they are eligible to begin practicum.
Initial Teacher Education at a Glance
Please not that this arrangement is subject to change.
For the full Academic Calendar, visit Course Outlines
Master Teacher Mentor Program
The Teacher Education program offers multiple levels of support to Teacher Candidates to empower them to become successful educators upon graduation. One of these supports is the Master Teacher Mentor (MTM) program, where our candidates are in small groups of 12 (across different streams), assigned to meet with a mentor 16 times over the program. The MTM supports the candidates, helping them to make connections between course work and practicum experiences.
Mentors are experienced educators with various backgrounds, knowledge, and skills to share with their students. Master Teacher Mentors will guide students to develop skills essential for teaching – reflection, collaboration, pedagogy, and instruction. Master Teacher Mentors support candidates in developing their Annual Learning Plan. These plans are directed toward a variety of experiential learning opportunities in Western’s initial teacher education program and may include goals for learning while on practicum. Candidates may share plans with other mentors, such as Associate Teachers or AFE supervisors, for specific input or feedback.
The MTM course includes conversations and information about practicum. Candidates and mentors have noted that they have appreciated having candid and helpful conversations, both to prepare for practicum and to debrief and reflect on experiences after. The small mentor group is ideal for these kinds of preparations, reflections, celebrations, and problem-solving through collaboration with both peers and mentor.
To enhance these dialogues and support, the MTM schedule will include two sessions (virtual) to be held during the practicum block. This gives Teacher Candidates an opportunity to connect with their mentor while on placement – a valuable opportunity for all candidates to be supported during the practicum. Some MTM sessions might be scheduled for the school day and candidates will be asked to be released from teaching to attend the session (virtually, while at school, working in a quiet environment).
Required Documentation
Proof of Identity
Proof of Identity must be provided to the Teacher Education Office before August 15. Teacher candidates will be required to upload this to their InPlace Profile page.
your birth certificate (if born in Canada), or
your Canadian passport (if born in Canada), or
your Canadian citizenship/landed immigrant status documentation (if born outside of Canada), and/or
proof of name change, ex. marriage certificate (if your current name differs from your proof of identity
Police Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening
Additional Documentation Requirements
WSIB document
Teacher Candidate Practicum Agreement
Additional Information
All communications from the Teacher Education Office will be sent in one of two ways:
Emails to your UWO address
For essential and action-required information. Check regularly and create a BEd Email folder to organize updates. Access this at For support, contact Western Technology Services.* -
Western’s learning management system, OWL
For course/program information and assignments. Once school begins, access OWL, Western's Learning Management System. For support, visit OWL Help
*Starting May 26, 2021, all incoming Western students will need to enable Multi Factor Authentication in order to access their UWO accounts.
A $500 non-refundable tuition deposit must be received by June 1, 2023 to confirm your place in the program. Please note:
It can take up to 5 business days for payment to reach us so be sure to submit your payment well before the June 1 deadline.
Late payments will not be accepted.
Failure to have your payment received by the June 1 deadline will result in program withdrawal
Follow our payment instructions to pay your deposit online. (This amount owing does not show in your Student Center; however, once it is paid, it will show as a credit balance (-500.00) and will be credited to your tuition fees.)
The 2023-2024 tuition amounts and deadlines will be posted to the Student Center in July 2023. More information on tuition fees and payment.
(In 2019-2020 the first tuition installment was due August 15, 2019 and the second installment was due December 2, 2019. Tuition fees were $9225.42 for Year 1 and $9195.42 for Year 2; a slight increase can be expected each year.)
The Faculty of Education building has it’s own Student Parking Lot. To learn more about purchasing a permit, see the Parking Office.
Western ONECard
Teacher Candidates who are new to Western University will be able to request their Western ONECard online starting June 1. More information is available here.
If you already have a Western ONECard you can continue to use this during your BEd
Funding and Policies
All About the Student Donation Fund
The Student Donation Fund began as an initiative of the Faculty of Education Students' Council.
Its purpose is to provide funds to support initiatives and events for the Teacher Candidates enrolled in the Teacher Education/Diploma in Technology programs. The donation allocations are recommended by the students'council on the basis of its mandates and goals, as well as on the perceived needs of the student body and Faculty.
Over the past few years, the donation (of $30 per student) has been used for a number of exciting events and important activities. These have included:
Award Endownments
Each year an awards ceremony is held to honour top achieving students and instructors. Student council has contributed funds to awards that recognize excellence in teaching in the Teacher Education program.
Mid-Practicum Social Gathering
Each year there are two mid-practicum socials held by student council. The purpose of these socials is to invite students and faculty to discuss their practicum experiences and to seek advice as students transition into the field. Last year the socials were held at the Palasad Bowling Alley.
Publication of the Faculty of Education's Literary and Creative Arts Magazine
The Literary Magazine Committee was set in place to collect arts and literature produced by the Teacher Candidates at the Faculty of Education. The publication serves as a record of student talent and as a memory of its achievements. In past years, student council has presented the magazine as a gift to the student body.
Safe Transportation to Grad Formal
Graduation formal is an annual event. It is hosted by student council at an outside venue in the city of London, and all students and faculty are invited to attend. Offering transportation from the Faculty of Education building to the event is an important opportunity to complement the event and ensure a safe evening for all in attendance.
Arrangements at Graduate Award Luncheon
At the Spring Convocation, a luncheon is held to honour award recipients. Faculty, staff, donors, award recipients and their guests are invited to attend this event. Each year the Fund provides flowers at this distinguished event.
Building Upgrades
The Teacher Candidates use the campus facilities for their curricular and co-curricular activities. Student council may choose to contribute financially to maintain and upgrade parts of the building that students often use. Last year students made a contribution to upgrading the theatre to support their dramatic production.
Without the Student Council Donation Fund, these initiatives would not have been possible. The Student Council sincerely thanks students for their donations, which support and enrich the student community in the Faculty of Education.
Students may opt out of the donation by submitting the Student Donation Opt Out Form to Opting out is only available in September of the student's intake year. Students will receive a credit to their tuition account for the donation. If the student's tuition account is paid in full the student will receive a cheque.
Teacher Education Policies
Professional Standards
Includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing students’ potential; commitment to students’ well-being and learning is expressed through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice
Includes trust and fairmindedness; members honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development; they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment
Includes fairness, openness and honesty; professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based on trust
Includes honesty, reliability and moral action; continual reflection assists members in exercising integrity in professional commitments and responsibilities
Commitment to Students & Student Learning
Dedicated in their care and commitment to students; treat students equitably, with respect, and with sensitivity to factors that influence individual student learning; facilitation of development of students as contributing citizens of Canadian society
Professional Knowledge
Currency in professional knowledge and recognition of connection to practice; understanding of student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research
Leadership in Learning Communities
Promotion of and participation in creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities; recognition of shared responsibility and leadership role in facilitating student success
Professional Practice
Application of professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning; use of appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to needs of students and learning communities, refinement through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection
Ongoing Professional Learning
Commitment to ongoing professional learning
Transition to Practice (T2P) (available to current students at>"Initial Teacher Education Class of 202#")
Awards and Scholarships
Applications for the following bursaries are available online through the Financial Services website. Application deadline: October 31.
The Marion Merritt Beardall Education Bursary
The Marion Merritt Beardall Education Bursary is awarded by the Kent Regiment Chapter, IODE. $1,000. An applicant must be:
Currently enrolled in an Ontario Faculty of Education
A Canadian Citizen
A graduate of a Kent County Secondary School
In need of financial assistance
Antony J. Bergering Awards
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the intermediate-senior division of the Teacher Education program, including students in Technological Education, based on financial need and academic standing. Applications can be accessed online through the Office of the Registrar's Web site and must be submitted by October 31. Once the Office of the Registrar has determined financial need, the Faculty of Education will select the recipients. These awards were established by a generous bequest from Dr. Antony J. Bergering (PhD '75, Psychology) through Foundation Western.
Value: 8 at $1,500, effective May 2008 These awards are supported by matching funds from the OTSS program and recipients must meet Ontario residency requirements.
Titia G. Bergering Awards
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the intermediate-senior division of the Teacher Education program, including students in Technological Education, based on financial need and academic standing. Applications can be accessed online through the Office of the Registrar's Web site and must be submitted by October 31. Once the Office of the Registrar has determined financial need, the Faculty of Education will select the recipients. These awards were established by a generous bequest from Dr. Antony J. Bergering (PhD '75, Psychology) through Foundation Western.
Value: 8 at $1,500, effective May 2008. These awards are supported by matching funds from the OTSS program and recipients must meet Ontario residency requirements.
David and Charlotte Campbell Bursaries (2)
Awarded to full-time students in the Faculty of Education who demonstrate financial need. This fund was established through Foundation Western by David R. Campbell (BA 1938) and Charlotte Campbell. Value: Up to $600 each.
Marguerite Ruth Dow Scholarship
Awarded to a student registered in an English program at the Faculty of Education, based on academic achievement (minimum weighted average of 80%) and demonstrated financial need. Established through Foundation Western by Miss Dow, Professor Emerita, The University of Western Ontario, where she taught English and Drama in the Faculty of Education, 1965-1985. Value: $750
Anne M. Elliot Award
Awarded to a full-time student in the Teacher Ed. program who has achieved a minimum academic average of 70% and demonstrated financial need. Established through Foundation Western by Bruce Davies in honour of Anne M. Elliot, from Hamilton, Ontario who taught at the Strathcona Model School from 1908 to 1949. Value: $1,000
Richard Ivey Foundation Awards
Awarded to full-time students who are registered in any year beyond year one in the Faculties of Information and Media Studies, Health Sciences, Law, Music, and Social Science, or entering the Bachelor of Education program. Established through Foundation Western by the generosity of the Richard Ivey Foundation. Students must have a minimum 75% average and demonstrate financial need. Value: $2,500
Edward J. Izrael 125th Anniversary Alumni Award in Education
Awarded to a full-time student in the Faculty of Education based on academic achievement and financial need. Established through Foundation Western by Helen Izrael in memory of her son Edward J. Izrael (B.A. ’69, Arts and Diploma in Education ’69). Value: $1,000
The Helene Puskas Mayo Education Award
Awarded annually to full-time students in the Faculty of Education who have demonstrated financial need and maintained a minimum B average. Value: $1,800
The Harvey and Ruth Bailie Award in Teaching Excellence and Community Service Award
Awarded annually to a full-time student registered in second year in either the Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate division of the Teacher Education program, based on standing in courses and practice teaching, and community service. Value: $1,000
Leonard Martin Wood Bursary
Awarded to a student in the Faculty of Education in the Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate programs, based on academic achievement and financial need. Established by friends and family of Leonard M. Wood, B.A. ’34, teacher and principal with the London Board of Education for 37 years. Value: $650
Olive C. Young Awards
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the primary division of the Teacher Education program based on financial need and academic standing. Applications can be accessed online through the Office of the Registrar website and must be submitted by October 31. Once the Office of the Registrar has determined financial need, the Faculty of Education will select the recipients. These awards were established by a generous bequest from Miss Olive C. Young through Foundation Western. Value: 9 at $1,500, effective May 2007 10 at $1,600, effective May 2008 These awards are supported by matching funds from the OTSS program and recipients must meet Ontario residency requirements.
Note: In addition to the above, other bursary assistance is available through the Financial Services Office, UWO, to students who demonstrate financial need. Applications are required and can be accessed online through the Office of the Registrar website (Bursaries link).
Ontario Work Study Program Western’s Work Study program offers an opportunity for students to work part-time on campus in jobs that accommodate their studies. For eligibility requirements and applying, please visit the Registrar's work study page
Academic Achievement Awards
F.C. Biehl Memorial Award for Excellence in English Education
Awarded to the most outstanding student in the regular Primary-Junior, Junior-Intermediate or Intermediate-Senior programs. The memorial award was established in 1984 by family, friends and colleagues to honour the late Professor F.C. Biehl, a noted educator and author who held many posts in the school system of Ontario.
$800 - The award winner is selected by a committee, comprised of all instructors of English courses in the programs listed above, whose coordinator will recommend the name selected to the Dean.
J. Bowden Memorial Award
Awarded to an outstanding student enrolled in either the Junior-Intermediate or Intermediate-Senior program whose courses include one of the Social Science Teaching Subjects of Geography, History, Individual & Society and Family Studies. The memorial award was established by family, friends and colleagues of Professor John J. Bowden, a highly-respected member of this Faculty of Education.
$350 - The recipient will be selected by the Social Science Subject Group which will make its recommendation to the Dean.
Sylvia Cann Memorial Award (2)
Awarded to a student graduating with a Teacher Education degree from the Primary/Junior program, based on academic achievement. This award was established by the sister of Sylvia Cann through Foundation Western as a memorial to her commitment to education.
$500 - The recipient will be selected by a committee which will make its recommendation to the Dean.
D. Carlton Williams Gold Medal in Education
Awarded annually to a student graduating from one of the programs of the Faculty of Education who achieves the highest degree of excellence in academic and professional subjects and makes an outstanding contribution to the programs and other activities of the Faculty of Education. The gold medal, coined by the Faculty of Education, is in honour of Dr. D. Carlton Williams, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., President of The University of Western Ontario between 1967 and 1977. It was struck for the first time in 1978 to recognize Dr. Williams' educational achievements and to mark with distinction his retirement from the University.
GOLD MEDAL - The candidate for the Gold Medal in Education shall be chosen by a Selection Committee chaired by the Associate Dean, consisting of the Chair of Preservice Program and one member of the Students' Council appointed by the Council. The Committee will be responsible for recommending a candidate to the Dean.
Dean's Award in Education (up to 5)
This award was established through Foundation Western by gifts from Education alumni, and is awarded to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education whose activities have enhanced the life of the Faculty for their fellow students. Students must demonstrate a strong record of extra-curricular activities and a strong record of academic merit.
$150 each - Students will be nominated for this award by the Dean, the Associate Dean (Program), the Preservice Chair or any faculty member. The recipient(s) will be selected by a committee in the Faculty of Education.
John Dearness Memorial Preservice Award
Awarded annually to a student at the Faculty of Education who is enrolled in elementary preservice education who demonstrates excellence in both course work and practicum experience with respect to early literacy development. This award was established by the Tamblyn family, grandchildren of Dr. John Dearness, as a memorial to his commitment to education in the City of London.
$500 - Candidates for this award will be nominated by their language arts instructors and reviewed by a committee of relevant faculty members. The committee will make its recommendation to the Dean.
Dorothy Emery Memorial Award in Visual Arts Education (2)
Awarded annually to Visual Arts students in the Elementary and Secondary Divisions who have achieved exceptional academic standing in course work and have also demonstrated excellence in art education in practice teaching. One award will be made in each Division. This memorial award was established through Foundation Western by friends and family of the late Dorothy Emery, a teacher at the London Teachers= College, to recognize her professional skills, enthusiasm and ability to motivate students.
$400 each - The recipients will be recommended to the Dean by a committee of Visual Arts instructors which will make its recommendations to the Dean.
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario Award (ETFO)
Awarded to a student who, among other qualities, demonstrates academic excellence, achieves exemplary practice teaching reports and demonstrates initiative to broaden personal experience in the educational culture.
$500 - The recipient will be recommended by both the practicum supervisor and an associate teacher, in writing, to the Associate Dean.
Faculty Association Scholarships
For academic excellence. Tenable in the Faculties of Arts, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Science and professional faculties. These scholarships were established by The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association, and are awarded retrospectively in the Fall.
$800 each - The criterion for this award is academic excellence. The Dean recommends the name* of the recipient to The Faculty Association.
(* A sharing of a scholarship between co-winners is possible, if a single winner cannot be chosen.)
Faculty of Education Students' Council Award for Practice Teaching Excellence (4)
Established by the Students' Council, the intent of these awards is to encourage and reward those who, in the opinion of their mentors, display exceptional skills, interests and abilities in the field of Practice Teaching. These four awards will be made in the Program Divisions of: Primary-Junior, Junior-Intermediate, Intermediate-Senior, and Technological Studies.
$150 each - Selection for the awards will be made by each Program Division whose coordinator will recommend the name selected to the Dean.
Margaret Fallona Award for Excellence in French Second Language Education
Awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the elementary or secondary French as a Second Language Teacher Education program, and has given evidence that he/she will further the development of French as a second language in schools during his or her career.
$250 - Selection of the recipient will be made by instructors of French as a Second Language courses who will make their recommendation to the Associate Dean.
Beatrice Helmkay Scholarship
Awarded annually to the student in Primary Education (Early Childhood Education) demonstrating outstanding achievement in Practice Teaching. The late Ira Beatrice Alder (née Helmkay), a former Math educator, established this scholarship for the purpose of training teachers. The recipient is selected on the basis of dedication and suitability for the profession, not just for academic excellence.
$600 - The award winner is selected and recommended to the Dean by a committee chaired by the coordinator of the Primary-Junior Faculty Course.
Matthew & Cornelia Koens Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time student pursuing a Teacher Education Degree at any teaching level, based on academic achievement (weighted academic average) in the core foundations courses. This scholarship was established through Foundation Western by the late Peter Koens in honour of his parents Matthew and Cornelia.
$500 - The recipient will be determined by the Associate Dean (Program).
Laura and Ed McLeish Scholarship
Awarded to a student in the B.Ed. Intermediate/Senior program, based on academic achievement, preferably with Mathematics as a teaching subject. This award is made possible by a generous gift from Laura McLeish through Foundation Western.
$500.- The recipient will be selected by the Associate Dean (Program).
Helen G. Mitchell Award
Awarded to a student who demonstrates excellence in the Classical/FSL/International Languages in both the academic program and practice teaching.
The recipient will be selected by a committee of instructors which will make its recommendation to the Associate Dean (Program).
Plaque and Certificate of Recognition to be presented at the Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association Annual Spring Conference.
W. Bernard Neeb Award
Awarded annually by the Ontario Business Educators' Association to an Intermediate/Senior student enrolled in two teaching subjects in the Business and Computer Studies area. The recipient is chosen on the basis of academic record and performance in practice teaching.
Complimentary Full Conference Package presented at Spring OBEA Conference, Toronto - The recipient will be recommended to the Associate Dean by Business and Computer Studies instructors.
Jessie Margaret Ogletree Award
Awarded annually to a Teacher Ed. student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in science education. This award was established through Foundation Western by the family of the late Jessie Margaret Ogletree. Her son is John Ogletree, Faculty of Education Professor Emeritus.
$500 - The recipient will be selected by the Science instructors and recommended to the Dean.
The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Award (OECTA)
Awarded to the graduating student who demonstrates academic excellence and who is qualified to teach in the Roman Catholic Secondary School system.
$500 - The recipient will be recommended to the Associate Dean by the Instructor of Religious Studies.
The Optimist Award in Technological Education
Awarded annually since 1979 by The Optimist Club of London Incorporated to the most outstanding student enrolled in the Technological Studies program. The intent of this award is to make appropriate recognition of students who make major contributions to youth.
$200 - The recipient will be recommended to the Dean by a committee selected by faculty members instructing in technological education.
Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO) Award (3)
Awarded to one student in each of the Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior programs, based on academic achievement in Science courses (minimum 80% average), and who demonstrate commitment and creativity in science preparation and teaching. Nominees will agree to submit a curriculum project or article suitable for publication in the Crucible, STAO's bi-monthly journal:
3 at $250.00 plus one year membership in STAO - Applications available from science instructors. Recipients will be selected by a committee of science instructors and STAO which will make its recommendations to the Dean.
W.S. Turner Award
Awarded to an outstanding student in the Primary-Junior, Junior-Intermediate, or Intermediate-Senior (mathematics option) program. Selection will be based on excellence in course work at the Faculty, orientation to enlightened mathematics teaching and practicum performance. This memorial scholarship was established by family and friends of Dr. W.S. Turner, the founding Dean of Althouse College (1965-69), to honour his outstanding achievements as an educator.
$300 - Selection will be made by the Mathematics instructors who will make their recommendation to the Dean.
Milton & Helen Walker Scholarships in Mathematics Education (2)
Awarded to full-time students pursuing Teacher Education Degrees at any teaching level, based on academic achievement, with Mathematics as a teaching subject. These scholarships were established through Foundation Western by a bequest from Milton Walker (MD 1928) and Helen Walker (BA 1924).
$750 each - The recipients will be selected by the Mathematics instructors who will make their recommendations to the Dean.
Milton & Helen Walker Scholarships in Science Education (2)
Awarded to full-time students pursuing Teacher Education Degrees at any teaching level, based on academic achievement, with Science as a teaching subject. These scholarships were established through Foundation Western by a bequest from Milton Walker (MD 1928) and Helen Walker (BA 1924).
$750 each - The recipients will be selected by the Science instructors who will make their recommendations to the Dean.
The Dawson Woodburn Memorial Awards (2)
Awarded to any preservice student enrolled in music courses, Fine Arts Subject Group in the Faculty of Education. The student must have been successful in practice teaching, demonstrated interest in the use of Tonic Solfa and possess a high degree of knowledge and proficiency through use of Tonic Solfa. Established by the late Dawson Woodburn, Professor Emeritus, The University of Western Ontario.
$600 each - The recipients will be recommended to the Dean by a committee of music instructors.
The Don Wright Scholarships in Vocal Music (2)
Awarded annually to students enrolled as Choral majors in one of the preservice Teacher Ed. programs who have a strong interest in developing young voices, Grades 5 through 10. Dr. Wright is a renowned composer, athlete, philanthropist, and UWO alumni. These scholarships are endowed through the Don Wright Charitable Foundation.
$1,000 each - The recipients will be recommended to the Dean by a committee of music instructors.
The Don Wright Scholarships in Instrumental Music (2)
Awarded annually to students enrolled as Instrumental majors in one of the preservice Teacher Ed. programs. This scholarship was established by Dr. Don Wright. Dr. Wright is a renowned composer, athlete, philanthropist, and UWO alumni. These scholarships are endowed through the Don Wright Charitable Foundation.
$1,000 each - The recipients will be recommended to the Dean by a committee of music instructors.
The D. Younger Memorial Award (OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award)
The Younger Memorial Award was established in 1967 in memory of David Younger who for more than thirty years taught in Sudbury. In December 1960 he was elected third vice-president of OSSTF/FEESO and was serving as second vice-president at the time of his death. During his teaching career David Younger contributed his time and talents, at all levels within OSSTF/FEESO, to improve the status of public secondary school teachers of Ontario. This award, valued at $1,000 annually, shall be awarded to the graduating Intermediate/Senior or Technological Studies Teacher Candidate who applies for the award and who in the opinion of the faculty’s Selection Committee has shown a clear understanding and empathy for the values of unionism, is attempting to secure a job with a public secondary board, and who best exemplifies the criteria below (listed in order of importance, #1 being most important):
Has demonstrated political or social activism that promotes the professional nature of teaching.
Is an advocate for unionism and related values.
Has shown leadership by supporting and advocating for fellow Teacher Candidates.
Has shown leadership in organization of events which benefit fellow Teacher Candidates.
Has demonstrated a high degree of professional competence.
Is attempting to secure a teaching position that would make her or him an OSSTF/FEESO member.
Teacher Candidates must apply for the award using the OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award Application Form. The form is included in the Federation Day kit distributed to all Intermediate-Senior and Technological Studies students at the OSSTF/FEESO Federation Day.
Award for Excellence
About the Award
Placements and mentorship are critical for the preparation of new teachers and are only possible because of the many community members that support our teacher candidates. Since 1986, the Faculty of Education has recognized the dedication and commitment of community members through the annual Awards for Excellence. Each year, Associate Teachers, AFE Supervisors, Educational Communities, and Master Teacher Mentors are nominated by the Teacher Candidates with whom they work. From the nominees, a committee within the Faculty of Education selects and notifies the recipients.
Nomination Criteria:
Associate Teacher
- Must have been an Associate Teacher during the current academic year
- Must be an exemplary role model in their classroom and school community
- Must have set a standard of excellence for their teacher candidate while on placement
Alternative Field Experience (AFE) Supervisor
- Must have been an AFE Supervisor during the current academic year
- Must be an exemplary role model in their organization and community
- Must have set a standard of excellence for their teacher candidate while on placement
Community of Excellence
- Must have been a Practicum and/or Alternative Field Experience (AFE) placement host during the current academic year
- Must include a team of exemplary role models in the educational community
- Must have set a standard of excellence for their teacher candidate while on placement
Master Teacher Mentor (MTM)
- Must have been a mentor during the current academic year
- Must be an exemplary role model in their mentor meetings
- Must have set a standard of excellence for their teacher candidates during mentor meetings and external reviews
Nomination Process
Complete the Award for Excellence Nomination Form
Be prepared to include a letter of support explaining why you think they’re the best
Submit to the Teacher Education Office before April 26, 2024
Nominators may submit more than one form for multiple nominations