Making a difference through research and teaching excellence

Welcome to the Faculty of Education!

Our collective work at the Faculty of Education aims to positively impact children and youth, families, schools, our communities and alumni. Our work is shaped by our strategic vision: Transforming education. Transforming lives.

We achieve this vision in a number of ways. We provide a world-class education for our students. Our teacher education program, our research-intensive graduate programs, and our professional programs are all grounded in evidence-based research and taught by award winning and internationally recognized faculty and practitioners. We partner with communities, international partners, governments, and school boards to build capacity broadly and inclusively. Our students’ well-being is a collective priority for faculty and staff. Finally, we are deeply committed to fostering equity, diversity, and inclusion and this is evident in our programs and our research.

Western University is recognized for providing an exemplary education and experience for students, and for its research impact. The Faculty of Education is proud to contribute to this legacy. We know we are making a difference by the way in which our research is valued and the demand for our programs and our graduates.

I’m delighted that you’re here to see what we’re offering students, families and communities and how we’re transforming education and transforming lives. I would encourage you to explore our website and to reach out personally if you would like to connect.

Very best,

Donna Kotsopoulos, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education