
Please note that the FRDF deadlines for 'Research Application' and 'Conference and Publication' are May 1st.

If your grant application requires a support letter, please contact our office at least TWO MONTHS in advance, except for SSHRC partnership Stage 1, which requires more time

ROLA Procedures

ALL grants and contracts need to be reviewed by the Faculty Research Office and have a ROLA completed.

To approve your ROLA, we kindly request the following information to be sent to our office when completing the ROLA:
  • Draft proposal (even if incomplete- Scope of work and Deliverables)
  • Budget file
  • Time Frame
  • Support letter(s) if cash/in-kind contributions are required
  • Any additional information that might be helpful
In ROLA, ensure these sections are completed:
  • Confirmation whether your proposal requires a human ethics certificate
  • Confirmation if a course release is requested (needs approval of Dean’s office)
  • List of Western Faculty members involved as Co-PIs or collaborators
  • Keywords


To create your ORCID ID:
  1. Visit ORCID.
  2. Click "Sign In/Register" and then select "Register Now." Use your uwo.ca email as your primary contact.
  3. Complete the required fields for your personal profile. Allowing ORCID to auto-populate your works can streamline the setup process.
Ensure that Western is selected as your affiliation.
Set the visibility setting to public.

For assistance, please contact the Scholarly Communication librarian at RSCLib@uwo.ca.

Please check

Funding Opportunities

Two types of funding are available to support your research:
  1. Internal funding
    1. Faculty of Education Research Office
    2. Western Research 
  2. External funding
    1. Tri-Council agencies (SSHRCNSERCCIHR)

Faculty of Education Grant Opportunities

Please note that the FRDF deadlines for 'Research Application' and 'Conference and Publication' are May 1st.
To apply for Faculty of Education internal grants:
  1. Download the form related to the competition you are applying for and open it locally using Adobe Reader.
  2. Complete the form, make sure it is signed
  3. Submit the form via the "Online Submission Portal
  4. DONE!

Please note: applications will not be accepted unless they are submitted using the Microsoft Form

Western Internal Funding Opportunities

External Research Funding Canada

Other Grants Opportunities

Final Report

Application Submission Deadlines

Application Deadlines

  • 4 Weeks Prior to the Research Office Deadline: Submit your application if you’d like it reviewed by your peers.
  • 2 Weeks Prior to the Western Deadline: Research Office submission deadline.
  • 5–10 Business Days Prior to the Sponsor Deadline: Western Research submission deadline.
  • Sponsor Deadline: Final submission deadline.


Essential Tools for Successful Funding Preparation

Grant Extensions and Budget Changes

Western Internal Grant

SSHRC Grant Amendment

Please contact the Research Office for any requested changes.

Western Awards and Distinctions

The Awards & Distinctions portfolio in Western Research revolves around recognizing and promoting the scholarly achievements of outstanding Western faculty in all disciplines and at all career stages. Many awards are associated with substantial monetary prizes and all are associated with significant prestige.

Awards & Distinctions - Opportunities

If you plan to apply or nominate, please inform our office.

For more information, to share success stories, or to suggest new opportunities, please contact:

Julaine Hall 
Research Development Consultant, Awards & Distinctions
Telephone: 519-661-2111 (ext. 87970)
Email: julaine.hall@uwo.ca

Open Access Options at Western Libraries

Western Libraries' memberships with open-access publishers and organizations help researchers meet the Tri-Agency Open Access policy and reduce publishing costs through discounts or waivers. Click here or visit the Open Access Journal Finder for details.


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