Professional pathways and academic excellence

The grand challenges and opportunities in society, locally and globally, call on us to renew our attention and recognition to the importance of education and contemporary pedagogies. Interdisciplinary and diverse teaching efforts are necessary to showcase different ways of knowing and experiencing the world. Explicit linkages that bring professional pathways and academic excellence into clear alignment are leveraged to address real-world problems. Engaging students in scholarly activities and experiential learning that connect teaching to the research of students, faculty, and communities is prioritized.

Towards Western at 150
Greater Impact


Grow experiential learning opportunities for students

  • Offered 1,884 experiential learning placements including alternative field experiences, practica, internships, and other opportunities to students
  • Centre for School Mental Health offered eight inaugural summer studentships in collaboration with Western University faculty members across a range of project areas
  • In 2024, started the construction of a 10,000 square foot expansion to house the MJW-CYDC which will expand and enhance clinical placements for graduate students in the School and Applied Child Psychology program
  • Every year, since 2022, numerous Western undergraduate students have been offered USRI and USRA opportunities for experiential learning through the Faculty

Grow professional and interdisciplinary academic programs

Recruit, support, and retain teaching-intensive faculty

  • Dr. Danielle Sirek joined the Faculty of Education as an Assistant Professor, Teaching Scholar
  • Dr. Jenny Ingrey joined the Faculty of Education as a limited term Assistant Professor 
  • Dr. Margeurite Lengyell joined the Faculty of Education as an Assistant Professor, Teaching Scholar
  • Ms. Robyn Michaud joined the Faculty of Education on singe-year secondment (2023) from the Thames Valley District School Board as an Indigenous Teacher Educator
  • Dr. Colin King appointed to Teaching Scholar and Director of the Mary J. Wright Child and Youth Development Clinic (MJW-CYDC)
  • Dr. Bathseba Opini joined the Faculty of Education as an Associate Professor
  • Dr. Rosanne Abdulla joined the Faculty of Education as an Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Allison Segeren joined the Faculty of Education as a limited term Assistant Professor

Increase the number of faculty who receive teaching awards

Provide opportunities for career development and lifelong learning


Expand community partnerships

    • Introduced a community speaker series focused on post-pandemic well-being
  • Introduced yearly appreciation event for Associate Teachers
  • Held first-ever French as a Second Language (FSL) Teacher Appreciation Event
  • Education partners with 50 public school boards, 28 private schools, and over 700 community partners for experiential learning placements