Dr. Jennifer C. Ingrey, PhD
Assistant Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
PhD (Western University)
Dr. Jennifer C. Ingrey, PhD
Assistant Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
PhD (Western University)
I am an Instructor at the rank of Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education Program and the Masters of Professional Program in the areas of educational foundations, equity and social justice.
While my research interests centre around transgender studies, school spaces, and gendered subjectivities for young people, as well as writer reflexivity, my teaching interests extend into equity and social justice more broadly to include anti-homonormative, anti-racist, decolonizing, anti-classist, and disability studies informed curriculum for teacher candidates and graduate students. My teaching experience at the research intensive and professional graduate levels has led me to highlight the degree to which unlearning and deconstruction can be uncomfortable, yet necessary, pursuits for students and myself. Disruptive pedagogies are productive as they make space for rethinking social norms that marginalize particular groups of people historically and systemically, which help students understand how to interpret the implications of oppression in schools and in wider contexts. My goal through my teaching is to support students to be able to provide authentic, effective and critically informed professional and research-based service.
Teaching in the teacher preparation program has also afforded me the opportunities to continually hone my own pedagogies both to include and challenge students and to maintain productive discourse and learning opportunities for everyone.
Recent Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Ingrey, J. C. (2018). Problematizing the cisgendering of school washroom space: interrogating the politics of recognition of transgender and gender non-conforming youth. Gender and Education (Special Edition; Eds. W. J. Martino & W. Cumming-Potvin), 30(6), 774-789. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2018.1483492
Bittner, R., Ingrey, J., & Stamper, C. (2016). Queer and trans-themed books for young readers: a critical review. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-17.
Ingrey, J. C. (2013). Shadows and light: Pursuing gender justice through students’ photovoice projects of the washroom space. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 29(2), 174-190
Ingrey, J. C. (2013). Troubling gender binaries in schools: from sumptuary law to sartorial agency. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 34(3), 424-438.
Ingrey, J. C. (2012). The public school washroom as analytic space for troubling gender: Investigating the spatiality of gender through students’ self-knowledge. Gender and Education. 24(7), pp. 799-817.
Book Chapters:
Ingrey, J. (2016). Heterotopia. In Brockenbrough, E., Ingrey, J., Martino, W., & Rodriguez, N. M. (Eds). Queer studies and education: Critical concepts for the twenty-first century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ingrey, J. C. (2015). Methodological mistakes: A reflexive examination of researcher gender privilege (pp. 148-162). In Baguley, M., Jasman, A., Findlay, Y.S. (Eds.). Meanings and motivation in education research. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Martino, W., & Ingrey, J. C. (2016). Education and Masculinities. In Wong, Y. J. & Wester, S.R. (Eds.). Handbook of the Psychology of Men and Masculinities. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Ingrey, J. C. (2014). The limitations and possibilities for teaching transgender issues in education to preservice teachers (pp. 97-110). In E. J. Meyer & A. Pullen Sansfaçon (Eds.). Supporting Transgender and Gender Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Ingrey, J.C. (2014). The heterotopic washroom in school space: Binary gender confirmed or no place of one’s own? (pp. 63-75). In E. J. Meyer & D. Carlson (Eds.). Gender and Sexuality in Education: A reader. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Ingrey, J. C. (November 2012). Gendered subjectivities in online spaces: the significance of genderqueer youth writing practices in a global time (pp. 140-149). In B.J. Guzzetti & T. Bean (Eds.). Adolescent literacies and the gendered self: (Re)constructing identities through multimodal literacy practices. New York: Routledge.
Co-Edited Book:
Brockenbrough, E., Ingrey, J., Martino, W., & Rodriguez, N. M. (Eds.). (2016). Queer studies and education: Critical concepts for the twenty-first century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Non-peer Reviewed Articles:
Ingrey, J., Greeway, J., Pez, E., & Kovac, L. (2018). Writing instruction as empowerment: Four perspectives. King’s Cosmos. 3, pp. 40-43. Kings University College.
Encyclopedic Entry:
Ingrey, J. C. (2018). Queer studies in education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.249
Ingrey, J. C. (2016). Gender Oppression. In Naples, N., Wickramasinghe, M., & Wong Wai Ching, A. (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ingrey, J. & Martino, W. (2010). From theory to practice: Infusing equity and leadership into the curriculum (Final Report), ETFO (Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario).
Teaching and Supervision
Courses Taught
- Sexual Diversity and Transgender Equality in Education, Graduate Studies in Education
- Equity and Social Justice in Education, Graduate Studies in Education
- Introduction to Equity and Social Justice, Graduate Studies in Education
- Gender Equity, Graduate Studies in Education
- Researching Equity Issues in Education, Graduate Studies in Education
- Antipoverty Education, Graduate Studies in Education
- Gender Theories in Education: Implications for Policy, Pedagogy and Practice, Graduate Studies in Education
- Diverse Traditions: Approaches to Education Research, Graduate Studies in Education
- Social Foundations, Teacher Preparation Program
- Teaching for Equity and Social Justice: A focus on inclusive curriculum, Teacher Preparation Program
- Committee Member, PhD, three students
- Co-supervisor, Masters, two students
- Committee Member, Masters, one student
- Reader, Qualifying Papers, two PhD students