The EdD in Applied Behaviour Analysis is designed to enhance both professional knowledge and expertise in the field of behaviour analysis. The program is structured to prepare students as scientist-practitioner leaders, including but not limited to roles such as educators, administrators, researchers, and experts in developing, implementing, analyzing, and evaluating programs from a behaviour-analytic perspective.
The EdD program is composed of 33 credits of sequential, fully online courses and a final Dissertation in Practice secondary research project. Course and program work takes place year-round, typically allowing students to complete the program in three years. (Exceptions include parental leave, etc.)
This program values the knowledge and experience that students bring to this course-based program, and actively seeks to apply what students learn in coursework to their professional practice.
To promote effective adult and online learning, the EdD program prioritizes teamwork, collaboration, and networking within and beyond the program. Students in this program may expect regular group activities, peer-to-peer learning, and synchronous (live remote) instructional sessions.
This program of study is organized as a cohort model. Approximately 20 students will form each cohort. This cohort structure provides ongoing support within the course work, enabling students to develop a professional community of practice. To ensure the integrity of the cohort model, continuous enrollment is required, and will necessitate that students complete all the required courses within the timeframe stipulated.
The EdD in Applied Behaviour Analysis is well-suited for individuals who are interested in learning the knowledge and applications of behaviour analysis in leadership, collaboration, management, administration, supervision, program evaluation, community relations, and recruitment in organizations.
Please note that the EdD degree alone does not qualify you to teach in the K-12 school system in Canada.
The primary objective of the EdD in Applied Behaviour Analysis is to prepare thoughtful, reflective, and capable professionals. The program is committed to ensuring excellence in research, clinical, and leadership skills, to prepare students for leadership roles in the field.
The program's concentration on Applied Behaviour Analysis in education exposes students to emerging issues, philosophical foundations, organizational systems analysis, ethical practice in a social justice framework, teaching practices, research methods, and experiential learning via their coursework to cutting edge research and emphasizes the application of theory to practice. Students are encouraged to apply their research and theoretical knowledge in their professional roles.
The EdD is designated as a full-time program. Full-time status requires that students complete four half-courses in one year. Students complete the equivalent of 11 half courses during the program. This is a full time, three-year program of study, which requires significant demands on students’ time. It is common for students to spend 15-20 hours or more every week on their EdD studies, throughout the year. Applicants must be prepared to meet these demands should they be accepted into the EdD Program. Continuous enrollment is a requirement until all program requirements are met. Full-time students have access to all student services. See SGPS (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) for details.
Cohort Model
This program of study is unique due to its cohort model for course progression. Approximately 20 students are admitted to each cohort. This cohort structure provides ongoing support throughout course work, enabling students to develop a professional community of practice. To ensure the integrity of the cohort model, continuous enrollment is required, and will necessitate that students complete all the required courses within the timeframe stipulated.
Student Engagement
Students engage in learning together through regular synchronous learning sessions over platforms such as zoom, and through peer discussions, presentations, and collaborative peer review opportunities. Additional asynchronous learning involves individual reflective practices, assignment completion, and scholarly reading and writing.
Course Progression
Students progress through 11 half courses over 9 full terms, for 3 years.
Year 1 - Students complete one half course (0.5) in Fall term (12 weeks in length), one half Course (0.5) in Winter term (12 weeks), and 2 half courses (0.5) in the Summer term (eight weeks sequentially).
Year 2 - Students complete one half course in Fall (12 weeks in length), one half course in Winter (12 weeks) and 2 half courses (0.5) in the Summer term (eight weeks sequentially).
Year 3 - Students complete one course in Fall (12 weeks in length), one course in Winter (12 weeks). The Dissertation in Practice is submitted and evaluated in the final summer term. Continuous enrollment is required during all terms until completion.
The Dissertation in Practice (DiP) is the final milestone in the EdD program. In the EdD Applied Behaviour Analysis, the Dissertation in Practice is designed to enhance professional learning and to deepen understanding of practical issues in educational and professional settings. The DiP is a scholarly project that aims to identify and solve a practical problem the students encountered at work with the goal to change the practice.
EdD students engage in evaluating and assessing the broad implications of understanding and applying educational knowledge to particular educational contexts, and they engage in and reflect on the scholarship of the production, legitimation, and mobilization of knowledge.
Students who complete this Dissertation in Practice will:
- Engage in significant learning, which goes beyond simply incorporating new information into previously existing schemata (e.g., challenges students’ beliefs and assumptions to such an extent that they commit to arguments not previously considered);
- Share in learning that can make a productive and positive impact on practice (i.e., driven by an authentic Problem of Practice and used by practicing professionals) through various forms of systematic review; and
- Manage a variety of forms of information and diverse venues of communication (e.g., publications and other forums for communication).