Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber, PhD
Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
PhD (Western University) , MScN (Western University), BScN (Western University)
Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber, PhD
Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
PhD (Western University) , MScN (Western University), BScN (Western University)
Academic Background
- PhD (Business Administration, Strategy), Ivey Business School, Western University, 2010
- MScN (Administration), Faculty of Nursing, Western University,1990
- BScN, Faculty of Nursing, Western University, 1979
- Certified Health Executive, 1994
- Current Curriculum Vitae
Previous Work Experience
- Associate Director & Assistant Professor, Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health, Schulich School of Medicine, Western University, 2012-2014
- SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan, 2010-2011
- Director, Senior Leadership Team, Lawson Health Research Institute, 2000-2006
- Director, Perioperative Care, London Health Sciences Centre, 1997-2000
- Director of Nursing, Victoria Hospital, Surgical Care (1996), Medicine/Surgery (1993-1996), Ambulatory Care/Clinical Neurosciences/Psychiatry (1990-1993), Acting (1989-1990)
- Nurse Manager, Victoria Hospital, Oncology (1987-1988), Staffing (1985-1987), Outpatient (1985)
- Nurse Clinician, Victoria Hospital, Psychiatry (1984-1987)
- Public Health Nurse, Middlesex-London Heath Unit (1982-1984)
- Staff Nurse, University Hospital, Psychiatry (1979-1982)
Recent Publications
Representative Publications
- Robinson, T., Le Ber, M. J., & The Circle Research Team. (2019). Collective leadership practices: Creating responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making. Journal of Leadership Studies, 13(3), 50-55.
- Walugembe, D. R., Sibbald, S., Le Ber, M. J., & Kothari, A. (2019). Sustainability of public health interventions: Where are the gaps? Health Research Policy and Systems, 17(8), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-018-0405-y
- Devnew, L. E., Le Ber, M. J., & Torcia, M., & Burke, R. J. (Eds.). (2018). More women on boards: An international perspective. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Casey, R., Krupa, T., Lysaght, R., Price, E., Canes, M., Ngan, N., Little, J., Jayaraman, V., Ruhara, R., Mutiso, V., Ndetei, D., Le Ber, M. J., Kidd, S., Price, E., & MacDougall, A. (2018). The development and application of a recovery-oriented psychosocial rehabilitation toolkit in Kenya: A community-based research initiative for social inclusion. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-018-0122-4
- Cohen, B., Salter, K., Kothari, A., Le Ber, M. J., Lemieux, S., Moran, K., Wai, C., & Antonello, D. (2018). Indicators to guide health equity work in local public health agencies: A locally driven collaborative project in Ontario. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice, 38(7/8), 277-285. https://doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.38.7/8.02
- Devnew, L. E., Austin, A. M. B., Le Ber, M. J., & Shapiro, M. (2017). Women’s leadership aspirations. In S. Madsen (Ed.), Handbook of research on gender and leadership (pp. 165-179). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Le Ber, M. J., LaValley, J. B., Devnew, L., Austin, A. B., Sulpizio, L., & Tremaine, M. (2017). Tracing the developmental precursors of leadership during childhood and adolescence: A collaborative autoethnographic study of women’s leader identity development. In J. Storberg-Walker and P. Haber-Curran (Eds.), Theorizing women & leadership: New insights & contributions from multiple perspectives (pp. 225-248). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Devnew, L. E., Austin, A. B., & Le Ber, M. J., LaValley, J. B., & Elbert, C. D. (2017). Learning from our multi-stage collaborative autoethnography. The Qualitative Report, 22(10), 2772-2784. Retrieved from http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss10/17
Representative Conferences
- Le Ber., M. J., Kothari, A., Simpson, S., Zendo, S., Fuller, M., Lui, J., Martino, J., Contursi, M, L., & Berman, H. (2020, June 23--26). Evaluating the co-creation of knowledge in a community-university partnership. Cross Sector Social Interactions 2020, Limerick, Ireland. https://www.cssi2020.com/
- Knight, H. H., Le Ber, M. J., Seitanidi, M. M., Leigh, J., Stadtler, L., Clarke, A., Krasonikolakis, I., Bogie, J., Brunese, P. S., Lioliou, E., MacDonald, A., Pinkse, J., & Sarita Sehgal, S. (2020, June 23—26). Putting cross-sector social partnerships’ global challenge outcomes to test: Developing a research agenda from an evidence-based, 20-year systematic literature review. Cross Sector Social Interactions 2020, Limerick, Ireland. https://www.cssi2020.com/
- Le Ber, M. J., Monzani, L., & Crossan, M. E. (2020, March). Character-based judgment: Does gender and context matter? Western Academy of Management. Hawaii Island, HA.
- Le Ber, M. J., Monzani, L., Blanchard, K., Ellis, C., & Crossan, C. (2019, October). Leadership and development: Creative and practical applications of theoretical concepts. 21st Annual International Leadership Association Conference. Ottawa, ON.
- Egan, C., Le Ber, M. J. (2019, October). Inspiring courage through youth leadership development programs. 21st Annual International Leadership Association Conference. Ottawa, ON.
- Devnew, L. E., Le Ber, M. J., Austin, A. M. B., LaValley, J. B., & Elbert, C. D. (2019, October). Developing visual models to explain theories and concepts: Tools for scholars and practitioners. 21st Annual International Leadership Association Conference. Ottawa, ON.
- Branzei, O., & Le Ber, M. J. (2019, July). Shifting Grand Challenges’ (in)tractability by gendering innovation. 35th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium. Sub-theme: Strategizing for Grand Challenges. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- Le Ber, M. J. & Konrad, A. M. (2019, June). Writing cases for teaching. 4th ILA Women & Leadership Affinity Group. Santa Cruz, CA.
Teaching and Supervision
Leadership Studies
- LS2233A/B Women and Leadership
- LS3331F/G Advanced Leadership
- LS3333A/B Developing Leadership
- LS4333A/B Developing Leadership in Organizations
- LS44331F/G Leadership in the 21st Century (capstone)
- LS4432A/B Leadership Practicum
Research Specialization(s)
Women and Leadership
- Leader Identity Development
- Leader Character Development
- Collective Leadership
Intersectionalities particularly as it relates to division of health professions along gender lines
Processes of Social Innovation (policy and social change) that address issues of social (in)justice and (in)equity for vulnerable, disenfranchised and marginalized populations
- cross-sector partnering across non-profit organizations, business and government
- transdisciplinary working (intractable global health issues)
- hybrid organizing (organizations, such as social enterprises, using the market to fulfill their social mission)
Awards and Recognition
- Award for Excellence in Research, Brescia University College, 2020
- Dean’s Honour Role of Teaching, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, sabbatical
- Best Paper Award, Social Responsibility Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2014
- Brescia Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Portraiture of the Centennial Brescia Story: Arts-Based Approach to Learning, 2019-2020, $2000
- Brescia Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Leader Character: Gender, Context, and Organizational Culture, 2018-2019, $2000
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Principal Investigator, Mobilizing Narratives for Policy and Social Change, 2017-2021, $200,000
- Brescia Research Grant, Principal Investigator, Organizational Culture and Leadership: Exploring the Practice of Leadership in a Women's Circle, 2015-2016
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Principal Investigator, From Intractable to Tractable: Transdisciplinary Processes of Innovation, 2012-2015, $74,091