Faculty of Education Memories
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John B. Lee, MAT '85
I am one of the few recipients of an M.A.T. in English, a degree I received in 1985 studying under Philip Linden along with Winn Shell who was in the Dr. of Education program. Since graduating, I received Western's Professional Achievement Award in 2010.
I left full time teaching in 1999, and since then have been writer in residence in several capacities and in many locations, and I have given workshops in elementary and high schools all over the province, and I have been a visiting professor in many universities including Western, U of Windsor and traveling as far afield as Witwatersrand in South Africa where I was a guest of the English Department there. As recently as this past fall I was a visitor at a high school in Windsor.
I continue to be someone who celebrates life long learning. After graduating I carried on a lifelong correspondence with professor emeritus Don Gutteridge with whom I published several books. Although I did not follow the expected path, after receiving an M.A.T. from Western, I certainly cherish the learning I did that year studying under Professor Linden at Althouse. He referred to his year with Winn Shell and me as something of an apotheosis for him, capping a stellar career as a consummate educator.
As for me, I sing the praises of Western and am eternally grateful for my time there both as an undergraduate in Honours English, as a student at Althouse where I studied English and Dramatic Arts, and in my single year in Graduate School with that combined degree in Masters of Education and Masters level English courses with James Reaney. I recently had a brief reunion with my grade 12 English teacher, Walter Cooper, a fellow graduate of Western who went on to a law degree and is a practicing lawyer in London.
Thank you Western.
John B. Lee
Poet Laureate of Brantford, Norfolk County and Canada Cuba Literary Alliance.

Dave Mitchell, BEd'74

Arlene O., BEd '01
I absolutely loved my time at Althouse College! Upon graduating, I worked for the Thames Valley District School Board as a junior grade teacher before leaving Ontario as a result of numerous corporate transfers. I now have certification with the Illinois State Department of Education and the Florida Board of Education.
My teacher training at Althouse has provided me with an exceptional world renowned education and expertise that allows me to make a full investment into the next generation! I will always be proud of Western's Faculty of Education!
John S., BEd '94
“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Faculty of Education (Althouse College), the broader Western community, and the neighbourhoods along the Thames River and throughout the city of London, Ontario.
From the introduction of the Common Curriculum to the recent revisions of the Ontario Curriculum, I thank the St. George's and Princess Elizabeth Public School communities for welcoming me as a young teacher candidate. These experiences have translated into a productive career as a Peel District School Board educator for more than 25 years.”
EdD Class of 2024