Dr. Zheng Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
PhD (Western University)
Dr. Zheng Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
PhD (Western University)
My research interests include literacy and biliteracy curriculum and pedagogy, curriculum studies of transnational education, bilingual digital story-telling, translanguaging, English academic writing, and cross-border teacher education undergirded by new media literacies. Previously, I served as assistant professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Funded Research Projects
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant).(2023).Using pedagogical translanguaging to support bilingual writing and digital storytelling, SSHRB.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant).(2023).Research strength analysis, pedagogical components, and effectiveness of translanguaging: A systematic literature review. FRDF.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant) & Heydon R. (2021-2023). Composing stories across the borders: Promoting equity through digital storytelling with biliteracy curricula, SSHRC IG.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant). (2021-2022). Cross-border teacher education: Transforming the pandemic crisis into an opportunity to promote equity and global connectivity. SSHRB.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant) & Heydon R. (2020-2021). Collective biography: Learning during the pandemic. Faculty Research Development Fund, Western University.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant). (2019). Weaving Virtual Reality into a cross-border, online biliteracy curriculum. SSHRB.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant). (2018-2019). Building on assets: A netnography of a cross-border, online biliteracy curriculum, SSHRC PEG.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant) & Heydon R. (2016-2018). A multiple case study of literacy curricula in Canadian transnational education programs in China, SSHRC IDG.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant), Kim, M. S., & Heydon, R. (2015-2017). Canadian literacy curricula go global: Rationales, recalibrations, and impacts. Faculty Research Development Fund, Western University.
Zhang, Z. (2015-2016). A systematic review of the dimensions and effectiveness of multiliteracies pedagogy. Internal Research Grant, Western University.
Zhang, Z. (2013-2014). A Multiliteracies perspective: Trajectory of literacy curricula in Canadian transnational education programmes in Hong Kong and Macao. Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Zhang, Z. (principal applicant), & Li, J. (2013-2014). Transnational exploration of English education: Hong Kong and Canadian English student teachers connected through Open Educational Resources. IT Ed Fund, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
- Zhang, Z. (2023). Pedagogical variations of critical literacies practices in a secondary transnational education program. Linguistics and Education.
- Zhang, Z., Heydon, R., Chen, L., Floyd, L.A., Ghannoum, H., Ibdah, S., Massouti, A., Shen, J., & Swesi, H. (2023). Household curricula during the COVID-19 pandemic: A collective biography. The Curriculum Journal. 1-15. DOI: 10.1002/curj.206
- Zhang, Z., Heydon, R., Chen, L., Floyd, L.A., Ghannoum, H., Ibdah, S., Massouti, A., Shen, J., & Swesi, H. (2023). Family literacies during the COVID-19 lockdowns: Semiotic assemblages and meaning making at home. Linguistics and Education, 74(2023) 1-11. (Q1 and SSCI)
- Yu, L., Cao, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, T., MacDonald, A., Bian, F., Li, X., Wang, X., Zhang, Z., Wang, P.P., & Yang, L. (2023). Mental health condition of Chinese international students and associated predictors amidst the pandemic. Journal of Migration and Health, 7(2023), 1-7 (Zhang’s contribution: survey development and manuscript preparation).
- Heydon, R., Akiwenzie, E., Cooper, E., Ghannoum, H., Havord-Wier, D., Johns, B., MacAlpine, KA., McKee, L., Nagle, J., Neeganagwedgin, E., Pawlick-Potts, D., Poczobut, S., Ruthes Coelho, C., Stooke, A., Tran, A., & Zhang, Z. (2023).Guidelines for virtual early childhood and family learning: An equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization-informed systematic review of the literature. Journal of Early Childhood Research.
- Zhang, Z. (2022). Socio-material assemblages: (De)colonizing literacy curriculum in transnational education. Language Teaching Research, 1-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688221127406 (Q1 and SSCI)
- Zhang, Z., & Li, W. (2020). Enacted agency in a cross-border, online biliteracy curriculum making: Creativity and bilingual digital storytelling. McGill Journal of Education, 55(3), 550-567.
- Zhang, Z., Wan, S. W-Y., Chan, L. H., Kwan, P-Y. L., Tam, L-L. S., Wan, E. W-P. (2020). Collective Memory Work: Localizing School-Based Curriculum Development in Diversified Hong Kong Schooling Contexts. Journal of Practitioner Research, 5(2), 1-25.
- Zhang, Z., Heydon, R., Li, W., & Malins, P. (2020). Literacies and identities in transnational education: A case study of literacy curricula in a Canadian transnational education program in China. The Curriculum Journal, 31(1), 132-156.
- Zhang, Z. (2019). Canadian literacy curricula in Macau, China: Students’ lived curriculum. Beijing International Review of Education, 1(2019), 401-426.
- Zhang, Z. (2019). Tracing cosmopolitan literacies: A case study of transnational literacy curricula at a Canadian school in Macau. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51(5), 583-600. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2019.1580316 (SSCI; 2018/2019 Impact Factor: 1.42: the highest impact factor in the field of curriculum studies)
- Zhang, Z., Nagle, J., McKishnie, B., Lin, Z., & Li, W. (2019). Scientific strengths and reported effectiveness: A systematic review of multiliteracies. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 14(1), 33-61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/1554480X.2018.1537188 (Published online in 2018)
- Zhang, Z., Li, J., Liu, F., & Miao, Z. (2016). Hong Kong and Canadian students experiencing a new participatory culture: A teacher professional training project undergirded by new media literacies. Teaching and Teacher Education, 59(2016), 146-158. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.05.017 (Q1 and SSCI; 2015/2016 Impact Factor: 2.61: the highest impact factor in the field of teacher education)
- Li, J., & Zhang, Z. (2015). An intercontinental inquiry on multicultural education: Canadian and Hong Kong university students connected through a Web 2.0 learning environment. Intercultural Education, 26(6), 562-583.
- Zhang, Z., & Heydon, R. (2015). The changing landscape of literacy curriculum in a Sino-Canada transnational education programme: An actor-network theory informed case study. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 48(4), 547-564. DOI:10.1080/00220272.2015.1090626 (SSCI; 2015 Impact Factor: 1.076: the highest impact factor in the field of curriculum studies)
- Zhang, Z. (2015). Chinese and Canadian teachers implement a hybrid Sino-Canadian curriculum: A multiliteracies perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 48(2015), 106-116. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2015.02.006 (Q1 and SSCI; 2015/2016 Impact Factor: 2.61: the highest impact factor in the field of teacher education)
- Zhang, Z., & Heydon, R. (2014). Language, literacy, and singing. Language & Literacy, 16(3), 1-3.
- Zhang, Z., Fyn, D., Langelotz, L., Lönngren, J., McCorquodale, L., & Nehez, J. (2014). Our way(s) to action research: Doctoral students’ international & interdisciplinary collaboration. Action Research, 12(3), 293-314. (Q1 and SSCI; 2014 Impact Factor: 0.82)
- Zhang, Z., & Heydon, R. (2014). Lived literacy curriculum in a globalized schooling context: A case study of a Sino-Canadian transnational programme. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(3), 389-418. (SSCI; 2014 Impact Factor: 0.615: the highest impact factor in the field of curriculum studies)
- Heydon, R., Crocker, W. A., & Zhang, Z. (2013). Novels, nests and other provocations: Emergent literacy curriculum production in a childcare centre. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(1), 1-32. (SSCI; 2012 Impact Factor: 0.5: the highest impact factor in the field of curriculum studies)
- Beynon, C.A., Heydon, R., O’Neill, S.A., Zhang, Z., & Crocker, W. (2013). Straining to hear the singing: Toward an understanding of successful intergenerational singing curriculum. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 11(2), 176-189.
- Rowsell, J., Prinsloo, M., & Zhang, Z. (2012). Socializing the digital: Taking emic perspectives on digital domains. Language & Literacy, 14(2), 1-5.
- Zhang, Z. (2011). A nested model of academic writing approaches: Chinese international graduate students’ views of English academic writing. Language & Literacy, 13(1), 39-59.
- Zhang, Z., & Bano, N. (2010). Multiple cultures and multiple literacies: Chinese and Pakistani immigrant families’ perceptions of family literacy programs. Canadian and International Education, 39(3), 81-100.
- Zhang, Z. (2009). English-only cult in China. Bilingual Basics, 11(1). Retrieved from https://www.tesol.org/convention-2018/tesol-2018-convention-news/2011/11/03/bilingual-basics-news-volume-11-1-(december-2009) (I confirmed with the once editor Dr. Shelley Taylor that Bilingual Basics was refereed back in 2009.)
- Zhang, Z. (2007). The status quo of bilingual education in Chinese universities. TESOL Bilingual Basic News, 10(1), 9(2). Retrieved from http://www.tesol.org/read-and-publish/newsletters-other-publications/interest-section-newsletters/bilingual-basics-b-meis/bilingual-basics/2011/11/03/bilingual-basics-news-volume-10-1-(november-2007) (I confirmed with the once editor Dr. Shelley Taylor that Bilingual Basics was refereed before in 2007. )
- Zhang, Z. (2005). The influences of differences between Chinese and English upon students’ TEM-4 & TEM-8 English writing. Journal of Gansu Social Science (Supplement Issue), 2005(6).
- Zhang, Z. (2004). The culture-construction model of second language learning. Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power, 2004(3).
- Zhang, Z. (2001). Translation of the cultural images in idioms. Journal of Guangdong AIB Polytechnic College, 2001(4).
Book Chapters
- Zhang, Z., Lin, Z., & Chen, L. (2022). Bilingualism and multilingualism. In Heydon, R & Jacob, W. J (Eds.), Bloomsbury education and childhood studies. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Zhang, Z. (2021). Critical cosmopolitan literacies: Students’ lived experience in a Canadian offshore school in Hong Kong. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Third international handbook of globalisation, education and policy research (pp. 481-495). Springer.
- Zhang, Z., Chen, L., & Lin, Z. (2021). Embodied identity making and bilingual digital storytelling in a virtual space. In J. Zajda & S. Majhanovich (Eds.), Globalisation, cultural identity and nation-building: The changing paradigms (pp. 87-105). Springer.
- Zhang, Z. & Lin, Z. (2019). Globalization in Higher Education (Canada). In Heydon, R & Jacob, W. J (Eds.), Bloomsbury education and childhood studies. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474209496.0001
- Heydon, R., Zhang, Z., & Bocazar, B., (2017). Ethical curricula through responsive, multimodal literacy & pedagogy: Illustrations from a kindergarten classroom curriculum. International perspectives on inclusive education (pp. 189-213). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Zhang, Z., & Heydon, R. (2017). Being open to the Other: K-12 teachers’ multimodal reflections on Hong Kong curricula. In S. S. Choo, D. Sawch, A. Villanueva, & R. Vinz (Eds.), Educating for 21st century global capacities: International perspectives and practices (pp. 425-445). Singapore: Springer.
Book Reviews
- Zhang, Z. (2015). Book review: Mo, J. Q. (2013). Transplantation and innovation: Establishing an international school accreditation system in China. Beijing, China: Educational Science Publishing House. Frontiers of Education in China, 10(1), 170-173.
- Zhang, Z. (2013). Book review: Kenner, C. (2004). Becoming biliterate: Young children learning different writing systems. Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Trentham Books. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 13(2), 301-306.
- Zhang, Z. (2009). Print literacy development: Uniting cognitive and social practice theories. Book review: Purcell-Gates, V., Jacobson, E. & Degener, S. (2004). Print literacy development: Uniting cognitive and social practice theories. Hongkong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 93-94.
- Heydon, R., Akiwenzie, E., Cooper, E., Ghannoum, H., Havord-Wier, D., Johns, B., MacAlpine, KA., McKee, L., Nagle, J., Neeganagwedgin, E., Pawlick-Potts, D., Poczobut, S., Ruthes Coelho, C., Stooke, A., Tran, A., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Virtual guidelines for earlyON & family centres: early childhood development and learning (Report for the City of London).Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as Social Practice. Faculty of Education, Western University.
- Hyland, T. A., Howell, G., & Zhang, Z. (2010). The effectiveness of the Writing Proficiency Assessment (WPA) in improving student writing skills at Huron University College. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Teaching and Supervision
Undergraduate Courses Taught
- Principles of Curriculum Design: Spring 2013, Summer 2013 (two cohorts), Faculty of Education, CUHK.
- Principles of Curriculum and Instructional Design: Spring 2014, Faculty of Education, CUHK
- Comprehensive English: Fall 2002 (two cohorts), Spring 2003 (two cohorts), Fall 2003 (two cohorts), Spring 2004 (two cohorts), Shanghai University of Electric Power
- Advanced English: Fall 2004 (two cohorts), Spring 2005 (two cohorts), Fall 2005 (two cohorts), Spring 2006 (two cohorts), Shanghai University of Electric Power
- Test Preparation for “Test for English Majors Band 8” [TEM 8]: Spring 2006 (two cohorts), Shanghai University of Electric Power
- The Advanced Course of English Writing, 2006, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- The Intermediate Course of English-Chinese Interpretation: 2003, 2004, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- The Advanced Course of English-Chinese Interpretation: 2005, 2006, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Test Preparation for “Test for English Majors Band 4” [TEM 4]: 2004, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Test Preparation for “Test for English Majors Band 8” [TEM 8]: 2004, 2006, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Graduate Courses Taught
- 9497-650 Understanding Curriculum Leadership for Educational Practice: Winter 2023, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9496A-651 Understanding Research Methods for Educational Practice: Fall 2022, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9730B-001 Advanced Topics in Curriculum: Winter 2021, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9678B Diverse Traditions: Approaches to Educational Research: Winter 2020, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9599A-001 Early Literacy Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Learning: Fall 2019, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9715-002 PhD Seminar: Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9730B-001 Advanced Topics in Curriculum: Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Winter 2021 Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9497-650 Understanding Curriculum Leadership for Educational Practice: Winter 2018, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9535A-651 Understanding Language and Literacy Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Learning in a Changing World: Fall 2017, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9496A-651 Understanding Research Methods for Educational Practice: Fall 2017, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9493L-650 Multiliteracies and Student Diversity: Summer 2017, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9103L-650 Understanding Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Settings: Summer 2017, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9730 Advanced Topics in Curriculum: Winter 2016, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9494B Curriculum Leadership in Language and Literacy: Winter 2016, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9580A-001 Introduction to Curriculum, Fall 2015 and Fall 2018, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9580A-002 Introduction to Curriculum, Fall 2015, Faculty of Education, Western University
- 9493L Multiliteracies and Student Diversity: Summer 2015, Faculty of Education, Western University
- Curriculum Decision-Making: Spring 2013, Fall 2013 (two cohorts), Spring 2014, Fall 2014 (two cohorts), Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- Teaching---Orientation, Strategy & Application: Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Faculty of Education, CUHK
Graduate Student Supervision
Completed (M.A.)
- Chen, Qingning. Western University. (September 2018 to February 2023 defense) (co-supervision with Dr. Kathy Hibbert)
- Li, Mengxue. Western University. Using mobile learning applications to foster early literacy: A literature review. Western University. (September 2016 to June 2021)
- Trad, Rozan Faisel. Teachers’ and students’ experiences using social media as a pedagogical tool within classroom. Western University. (September 2017 to May 2021)
- Yan, Jing. A case study of EFL learners’ identity and investment in a private educational company in China. Western University. (September 2018 to Feb. 2021)
- Shu, Xin. A systematic literature review: Re-conceptualizing the intergenerational learning in an international context. Western University. (August 2020 pass of MRP project; co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- Li, Yan. A literature review of literacy education that incorporates popular culture. Western University. (August 2020 pass of MRP project)
- Han, Lu. A systematic literature review: Literacy practices and roles of Chinese parents and Chinese heritage language teachers. (April 2020 defense; co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- He, Chi. Western University. A systematic literature review: Internationalization of higher education in China. Western University. (March 2020 pass of MRP project)
- Gao, Yuze. Western University. An Analysis of Social Media Use Within and Outside of College English Classes in China. Western University. (January 2019 defense)
- Johnston, Megan. Literacy and identity investment in secondary drama courses: Using narrative inquiry to investigate teacher perceptions of the affordances of secondary drama courses in Ontario. Western University. (July 2018 defense)
- Li, Ran. Community of practice: Adult’s informal learning in an online English learning community in Western University. (March 2018 defense)
- McKishnie, Bethany Corinne. Trend, affordances, and implications for learners’ literacy and identity options: A systematic review of studies on transnational education. Western University. (March 2018 defense)
- Hu, Yifei. A case study of new media literacies in an English language learning program. Western University. (October 2017 defense)
- Lin, Zhen. Re-conceptualizing the nature of resources in multimodal literacy: The case of young children’s meaning making in an intergenerational art class. Western University. (August 2017 defense) (co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- Li, Wanjing. A case study of literacy curriculum in a Canadian offshore school in China. Western University. (August 2017 defense)
Completed (MEd)
- Chan, Lai Ha Apple. Learning through play: A case study of a Hong Kong kindergarten. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (December 2014 graduation)
In Process (M.A.)
- Hai, Rong. Western University. (September 2020 to present)
- Qingning, Chen. Western University. (September 2018 to present) (co-supervision with Dr. Kathy Hibbert)
Completed (Ph.D.)
- Ibdah, Susan. A critical discourse study of programmatic literacy curricula in Ontario: Knowledge, power, and discourse in an age of diversity (defense in April 2020, co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- Nagle, Joelle. Teacher professional learning in multiliteracies pedagogy: Exploring the lived curriculum of preservice and in-service educators. Western University. (May 2015 to Oct. 29, 2019, co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- Zhang, Wenxiao. Exploring in-service EFL teacher assessment literacy in Mainland China: The relationship among competence, attitudes, and practices. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Oct 3, 2013 1st qualifying paper) (April 6, 2013 to August 20 2013 in the capacity of committee member; August 20, 2013 to December 12, 2014 co-supervision with Prof. Cheung Sin Pui Derek)
In Process (Ph.D.)
- Liu, Chuan (Sept. 2022 to present)
- Guo, Qi (Sept. 2021 to present)
- Liu, Nonghong (Fall 2020 to present)
- Tabib, Ahlem (Dec. 20, 2018 to present)
- Li, Wanjing (Sept. 2017 to present, co-supervision with Prof. Rachel Heydon)
- Swesi, Hisham (Sept. 2016 to May 2021, co-supervision with Prof. Immaculate Namukasa)
Students’ Academic Honours under my Supervision
- Ma, Qianhui (Jan. 2023): Mitacs Globalink Research Award (Dr. Zheng Zhang as home academic supervisor, Dr. Icy Lee as host supervisor): $6,000, for the SSHRC IG project titled “Composing stories across the borders: Promoting equity through digital storytelling with biliteracy curricula” (declined due to thesis timeline)
- Zhang, Jie (May-August 2022) (The University of Hong Kong): Mitacs 2022 Globalink Research Internship, $12,000, for our project titled “Composing stories across the borders: Promoting equity through digital storytelling with biliteracy curricula”
- Almeida, Marissa (May-August 2021): USRI, $7,500.
- Yan, Jing (Sept. 2020): Mitacs Research Training Award (Zheng as academic supervisor): $6,000
- Li, Wanjing (Oct. 2019): 2019 John Dearness Memorial Graduate Award: $500.
- Chen, Qingning (Oct. 2019): Mitacs Globalink Research Award (Zheng as academic supervisor): $6,000 (declined because of pandemic travel restrictions)
- Li, Wanjing (Sept. 2018): Mitacs Globalink Research Award (Zheng as academic supervisor): $6,000
- Ge, Yijuan (Oct. 2018): Mitacs Globalink Research Award (Zheng as academic supervisor): $6,000
Ph.D. Thesis Committee
- Killick, Natalie. Second/Foreign language learners and narrative film comprehension: An intercultural reception study (Jan. 2020 to Oct. 2022 [successful defense]) (Supervisor: Dr. Shelley Taylor)
- Lin Sun. A critical narrative inquiry of English teachers’ experiences of enacting a pedagogy of multiliteracies in China. Western university (defense May 2019; Supervisor: Dr. Kathy Hibbert)
- Emma Cooper. But what do YOU mean?: A multiple case study of the semiotic demands and supports in elementary classroom curricula. Western university (December 2015 to 2016). (Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Heydon)
- Bocazar, Beatrix. Discourses of creativity in Ontario Kindergarten curriculum. Western university (June 2017 to July 2018). (Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Heydon)
- Yang, Xin. A research on interactive relationship between teacher’s practical knowledge and teaching decision making in the context of curriculum reform of Mainland China. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (August 15, 2013 defense)
- Kong, Siu Ping. An action research of teaching and learning in a general education course at a community college in Hong Kong. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (April 23, 2014 to February 27, 2015 defense)
- Cheung, Chui Ling. Application of scaffolds in genre-based pedagogy to second language (L2) writing instruction: A case-study of EFL students with low proficiency. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (August 15, 2014 defense)
In Process
- Samia Zayed (Oct. 2022 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Heydon)
- Singh, Rajender (Sept. 2022 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Melody Viczko)
- Liang, Wenmin (June 2021 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Shelley Taylor)
- Coelho Ruthes, Carla (Feb. 2020 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Heydon)
- Shakoury, Kayvan (August, 2020 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Frank Boers)
- MacCormac, Katherine (Sept. 2019 to present) (Supervisor: Dr. Kathy Hibbert)
- Virban, Kathleen. TBD (August, 2020 to 2021; Student withdrew from the program) (Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Heydon)
- Tabib, Ahlem. Multimodality and ESL: A case study of aligning assessment with digital curriculum (July 2017 to December 20, 2018) (Supervisor: Dr. Steve Bird)
Undergraduate Student Supervision
- Liu, Lingyun. (2006). On translatability of English proverbs. Unpublished B.A. thesis, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China.
- Xu, Xu. (2006). Second language acquisition and effective English teaching methods. Unpublished B.A. thesis, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China.
- Zhang, Wen. (2006). A study on translation of English idioms. Unpublished B.A. thesis, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China.
- Wu, Min. (2005). A brief study of Chinglish. Unpublished B.A. thesis, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China.
- Xu, Shi. (2005). Sexism in English: Insights from the feminists’ criticism upon English. Unpublished B.A. thesis, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China.