Dr. Susan Rodger, PhD
Professor - Applied Psychology
BA (Wilfred Laurier University), MA, PhD (University of Western Ontario)
Dr. Susan Rodger, PhD
Professor - Applied Psychology
BA (Wilfred Laurier University), MA, PhD (University of Western Ontario)
Susan Rodger is a Psychologist and Associate Professor in the Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology at the Faculty of Education at Western University and a Research Associate at the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children and the Centre for School-Based Mental Health. She works across the education and mental health fields to enhance awareness and capacity with respect to mental health and wellbeing. Her research interests include barriers to mental health treatment, teacher well-being, mental health literacy and trauma-and-violence-informed care (TVIC) for teachers and teacher candidates, and the influence of exposure to interpersonal and systemic violence on learning. She is currently working on two national projects developing resources for teacher wellness and supporting child and youth mental health in schools.
In The News
Recent Publications
Atkins, M.A. * & Rodger, S. R. (2016) Preservice Teacher Education for Mental Health and Inclusion in Schools . Exceptional Education International. 26, 93-118.
Cristall, F., Hibbert, K & Rodger, S. Student and teacher resilience in rural communities. In Rural Teacher Education: Connecting Land and People, M. Corbett and G. Gereluk, (eds.) Singapore: Springer Nature, Forthcoming 2020.
Hibbert, K., Rodger, S., Bates, P., Hellerman, K., Ott, M. & Rodger, M. (2018). What would it take to bring back joy into the lives of teachers and students? In Perspectives on Flourishing in Schools. New York: Lexington, pp. pp. 37-52.
Koenig, A.*, Rodger, S., & Specht, J. (2017) Learning to Prevent Burning and Fatigue: Teacher Burnout and Compassion Fatigue - A Pilot Study. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0829573516685017
Levine Brown. E., Phillippo, K., Weston, K., & Rodger, S. (2019). United States and Canada Pre-Service Teacher Certification Standards for Student Mental Health: A Comparative Case Study. Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol. 80 (April, 2019). Pp. 71-82. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0742051X18305730?via%3Dihub
Milani, A.*, Leschied, A.W., & Rodger, S. (2017). “Beyond Cultural Sensitivity”: Service Providers’ Perspectives on Muslim Women Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 12, 49-75.
Rempel, E.*, Donelle, L., Hall, J. & Rodger, S. (2018). Intimate partner violence: a review of online interventions, Informatics for Health and Social Care, (March, 2018) DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2018.1433675
Rodger, S. (2019). Health, Wellbeing and Welfare in Youth in Canada. In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, R. Heydon & K. Tilleczek (Eds.). London, UK: Bloomsbury. DOI: 10.5040/9781474209441.0056.
Rodger, S., Hibbert, K., Leschied, A.W., Masters, E.R.* & Pandori-Chuckal, J.*(2018). Mental health literacy is a fundamental part of teacher preparation: A Canadian perspective. In The Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence Informed Framework for Implementation, A.W. Leschied, D. Saklofske & G. Flett, (Eds.). Springer. Pp. 127-143.
Rodger, S. Mental health is part of healthy living.(2018). In Teaching Physical Education in Canada, J. Barrett & C. Scaini, (eds). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishing. Pp. 85-94.
Rodger, S., Leschied, P., Masters, R.* (2018, November). TeachResiliency.ca: A New Resource for Teachers. Runner, A Journal of the Health and Physical Education Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (49), 59-62.
Weston, K., Ott, M. & Rodger, S.(2018). Yet One more Expectation for teachers. In The Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence Informed Framework for Implementation, A.W. Leschied, D. Saklofske & G. Flett, (Eds.). Springer. Pp. 105-126.
*Graduate Students
Teaching and Supervision
Completed Graduate Student Theses:
Atkins, M.A. (2016) Stigma and Mental Illness at a Faculty of Education
Hancock, K. (2016). An examination of emotional intelligence as a potential mediator in educator stress and burnout
Hsiang, R. (2016). Teachers’ Mental Health: The Relevance of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout and Quality of Life
Linseman, S. (2016). Teacher Mental Health: Help-Seeking and Workplace Psychological Safety
Stordy, C. (2016) Accessibility and Self-disclosure of the Journey Through Mental Health: Youth Sharing Their Lived Experience.
Guigino, L. (2015). An Exploration of How Female University Professors Negotiate Personal and Professional Roles
Marko, K. (2015) An Examination of Teachers’ and Education Professionals’ Mental Health and Wellness
Masters, E. (2015) Talking to Parents about Child Mental health: Barriers and Enhancers to Effective ParentTeacher Communication
Saverimuthu, D. (2015) Resilience Factors in School Youth: Looking Through Gender and Cultural Lenses
Byrne, S. (2014) Children’s Voices in a School Based mental Health Needs Assessment
Coulter, L. (2014). Early Adolescents’ Experiences of Mental Health: A Mixed-Methods Investigation
Koenig, A. (2014). Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Among Teachers
Larion, K. (2014). Technology-Based Mental Health Support Strategies for Youth.
Lau, J. (2014). An Examination of the Influence of Poverty on Students’ Perceptions of School Safety, Bullying Behaviour, and School Programming: A Case Study.
Pipe, L. (2014) Mental Health and Safety in Schools: An Analysis of Children’s Perceptions and Experiences
Vandermeer, M. (2014) Secondary Traumatic Stress and Alexithymia in High Risk Professions
Woods, J. (2014). Evaluating Mental Health Education for Educators: Identifying and Supporting Students with Mental Health Problems.
Waters, L. (2013) The Transition to Motherhood: Women’s Experience as Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Bellhouse, L.(2013) The Hopes and Fears of Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse as they Transition to Motherhood
Taylor, S. (2013) Assessing Mental Health Risks for Offenders
Pickel, L (2012) The Aftermath of Intergenerational Trauma: Substance Abuse Risk an Resiliency
Janes, K. (2012) Hearing Women’s Voices: Understanding Women’s Stories of Violence from the Perspective of Strength
Epp, F.(2011) Experienced Clinicians: Trauma Recovery and the Healer
Lewis, J. (2011) Media Influences on Older Women’s Body Dissatisfaction
Boland, C. (2011) Mothering in the Context of Violence
Wilkins, J. (2010) Help-Seeking and Women Survivors of Violence
King-Brown, E. (2010) Trauma Symptoms and Coping Responses in Women Survivors of Violence.
Ford, T. (2009) Connecting Through Art: A Relational-Cultural Approach to Intimate Partner Violence
Machado, R. (2009) The Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Trauma with Academic Participation for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence
Yansen, L. (2009) An Investigation of the Effects of Trauma on Parenting
Andersen, J. (2008). Woman abuse, mental health, and parenting efficacy beliefs.
Harry, R. (2008). Photonovella: Learning through their voices.
Ross, S. (2008) Social support of female survivors of abuse.
Palmer, A. (2007). Mindfulness, stress and coping styles among university students.
Carter, A. (2007). The learning needs of survivors of woman abuse.
Campbell, J. (2006). Behaviour and math skills in children with concussion
Ross, O. (2006). Helping preservice teachers help children.
Fernandez, T. (2005). An outcome evaluation of the Safeteen girls’ program.
Thukral, T. (2004). Peer support programs and outcomes for adolescents.
Gampel, M. (2004) Women, violence and education.
Pantel, S. (2003). Preservice teacher efficacy, effectiveness and anxiety
Graduate Courses Taught in the past 5 years:
Theories of Counselling, Counselling Interventions and Community Mental Health; Family, Group and Systemic Counselling; Trauma Counselling.
Bachelor of Education Courses in Taught in the last 5 years:
Special Topics: Mental Health Literacy in Education; 2016-17 5018 Q: Mental Health Literacy- Supporting Social-Emotional Development (mandatory, 279 students)