Dr. Marianne Larsen, PhD
Professor Emeritus
B.A. (University of Toronto), B.Ed. (Mount Allison University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of London, Institute of Education)
- 80159
- FEB 2035M
Dr. Marianne Larsen, PhD
Professor Emeritus
B.A. (University of Toronto), B.Ed. (Mount Allison University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of London, Institute of Education)
I have a long-standing commitment and passion for teaching and research in comparative and international education. My research now focuses on the internationalization of higher education. My 2016 book, Internationalization of Higher Education: An Analysis through Spatial, Network and Mobilities Theories (2016) brings together my interest in post-foundational theories and global processes of higher education internationalization. I’m interested in pushing the boundaries about how we think about the effects of globalizing processes within educational contexts, and challenging taken-for-granted assumptions about how we (should) conduct our research and play out our roles as academics within internationalized and corporatized universities. My current research is about the ways in which higher education faculty are compelled to engage in transnational academic mobility (e.g. teaching abroad, international research partnerships) as a part of their professional work. I’m particularly interested in the barriers faculty face in their attempts to travel abroad for their work (e.g. financial, family commitments), and the experiences of faculty who are forced, against their wills, to engage in transnational mobility (e.g. refugee scholars). Please note that I am unable to take on any further graduate students to supervise at this time.
- Research Gate Profile Link:
- Academic Profile at Academia:
Recent Publications
Larsen, M. A. (2020). Teachers and Teaching. A Cultural History of Education in the Age of Empire (v. 5 Cultural History series ). Heather Ellis (Ed). London, UK: Bloomsbury.
Larsen, M. (2019). Secondary Education: Canada. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. M. Tatto and I. Menter (Eds.). London: Bloomsbury.
Larsen, M. (2019). Hygge, Hope and Higher Education: A Case Study of Denmark (pp. 71-89). In A. Peterson (Ed.) Higher education and hope: institutional, pedagogical and personal possibilities. New York/London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Larsen, M. & Al-Haque, R. (2019). Canadian Internationalization Policy Network as Assemblage. In R. Desai Trilokekar, M. Tamtik & G. Jones (Eds.) International Education as Public Policy in Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Sperduti, V. & Larsen, M.A. (2019). Comparative and International Education/Éducation comparée et international. Scholarly Research Communication, 10 (2), 1-14.
Larsen, M.A. (2018). The Possibilities and Potential of Transnational History: A Response to Kazamias’ Call for Historical Research. European Education, 50(2), 101-115.
Larsen, M. A. (2018). Governing (im)mobile academics in global times: an analysis through spatial/mobilities historical sociology (pp. 205-220). In J. McLeod, T. Seddon & N. Sobe (Eds). World Yearbook of Education, 2018. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.
Larsen, M.A. & Tascon, C. (2018). Social Capital in Higher Education Partnerships: A Case Study of the Canada–Cuba University Partnership. Higher Education Policy, First online, 1-21.
Larsen, M. A. (2017). International Service Learning: Rethinking the Role of Emotions. Journal of Experiential Education, 20(3), 1-16.
Larsen, M. A. & Searle, M. (2017). International Service Learning and Critical Global Citizenship: A cross-case study of a Canadian teacher education alternative practicum Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 196-205.
Al-Haque, R., Larsen, M., Searle, M. & Tarc, P. (2017). Western Faculty of Education 2-Year B.Ed. Program: Focus on International Education Cohort Specialization. In D. Petrarca & J. Kitchen (Eds.). Initial teacher education in Ontario: The first year of four-semester teacher education programs. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for Studies in Education.
Larsen, M. (2016). Internationalization of Higher Education: An Analysis through Spatial, Networks, and Mobilities Theories. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Searle, M. & Larsen, M.A. (2016) Host Community Voices and Community Experiences: Tanzanian Perspectives on a Teacher Education International Service Learning Project. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, 7(2), 1-16.
Larsen, M. A. (2016). Globalisation and Internationalisation of Teacher Education: A Comparative Case study of Canada and Greater China. Teaching Education, 27, 1-15.
Larsen, M. (Ed.) (2015). International Service Learning: Engaging Host Communities. New York: Routledge.
Teaching and Supervision
PhD: 3 (in progress)
- Vanessa Sperduti. Voluntourism: Essential Perspectives from One American Host Community
- Wei Wei. Policy Transfer Across Borders: An Actor Network Analysis of Standards for Principals and Vice-Principals in China
- Hailiang Zhao. A Critical Policy Analysis of Internationalization of Chinese Regional Universities: A Qualitative Case Study
PhD: 10 (completed)
- Eva Jaberi (2019). Understanding the Global Generation: a comparative case study of youth from Canada, Georgia, and Saudi
- Jennifer Kozak (2018). Investment in Spanish language learning through international service learning: A Case Study
- Jessica Sarah Wealthiness Ford (2017). From the Igloo to the School
- Nathalee McKnight (2017). Exploring Early Childhood Leadership and Policy Enactment in Jamaica
- Clara Tasçon (2017). Knowledge Production in International Research Collaboration: A Comparative Study of Canadian and Colombian Research Networks
- Carolyne Verret (2017). How do Educational Leaders in Small, Fragile and Developing Countries Translate their Understandings of Student Learning and Achievement into Leadership Practices: A Case Study
- Rashed Al-Haque (2017). The Relationship between Federal Citizenship and Immigration Policies and the Internationalization of Higher Education in Canada
- Jan Pennycook (2014). Reforming Ontario Teachers (1990-2010): The Role of the Ontario College of Teachers
- Ali Khorsandi (2014). A Critical Policy Analysis of Internationalization in Higher Education: An Ontario Case Study
- Kelly Crowley (2010). Cambodian national education policy: Global wants or/and local needs?
MA: 3 (in progress)
- Emily Morris
- Yueyi Su
- Fengchenzi Zhao
MA/MEd: 10 (completed)
- Rezvan Shahsavari Googhari (2017). How do Teachers Challenge Neoliberalism through Critical Pedagogy Within and Outside of the Classroom?
- Zhe Wang (2017). A Double Degree Program in International Communication: An Exemplary Case of Global Citizenship
- James Muir (2016). What Does it Mean to Be[have as] a Professional While Off-Duty? Utilizing Case Study to Articulate the Boundaries of a Policy Gap
- Eva Jaberi (2014). Global Citizenship through the Eyes of Grade 7 Elementary Students: A Case Study.
- Carolyne Verret (2013). A Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Education for All Policies in Two Countries: Barbados and the Republic of Ghana
- Bob Gough (2013). Perspective Transformation amongst Student Interns in an East African International Service-Learning Program: A Case Study
- Kerry Wilson (2009). Historical Thinking and the History Textbook
- Lauren Segedin (2008). Listening to the Voices of Students: Understanding the School-Related Factors that Limit ‘Student Success’
- Carissa Maclennan (2007). A Critical Analysis of the Relationship between Organizational Culture, Teachers’ Values and Attitudes about teaching and learning, and Pedagogical Approaches at an Overseas American School in Egypt
- Andrea Ciotti (2007). Negotiating tensions between university and family life: A case study of four academically successful working-class students
Course Outlines
Throughout my life, I have had a long-standing commitment to issues of equity and social justice. Before becoming an educator in the 1990s, I worked for many years within the peace and environmental movements. Even today I continue to view global warming as the most serious crisis facing humanity, requiring radical educational and economic change. As a secondary school teacher in Toronto, I was a founding member of the group, Educators for Peace and Justice, and actively involved in the group, Educators for a Global Perspective, so it made perfect sense that my more academic research should also focus on social justice and global citizenship education. Indeed, I have always believed in the potential of education to act as a force for positive social change. As a Board member of various organizations that support young people who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, I have seen, first hand, the positive impact of educational programs in empowering vulnerable youth to find ways to overcome the barriers they face in their lives. To this end, I founded the Johansen-Larsen Foundation, in 2008. See www.jlfoundation.ca for details. The mission of the JL Foundation is to support educational initiative that improve the lives of marginalized children, youth and animals at risk. The work I do now as President of the Foundation is incredibly rewarding and reflects my belief that academics need to be connected to the communities within which they live and find ways to contribute to improving society. We can, no longer, think of the university as an ivory tower, detached from the wider community in which it exists. Rather, it is my belief, that academics have a moral responsibility to the public good and this must be reflected in the work they do both within the university, including how they support their students, and outside in the broader community, both locally and globally.