Augusto Riveros

Augusto Riveros, PhD

Associate Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

PhD (University of Alberta)

Augusto Riveros, PhD

Associate Professor - Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

PhD (University of Alberta)

My current research program focuses on the analysis of the spatial configurations of urban education. The three main topics in my current research are:

  1. the relations between schools and neighbourhoods,
  2. the effects of urban development on the supply and availability of educational opportunity, and
  3. the contributions of spatial thinking to the analysis of education policy, administration, and leadership.

I am conducting a SSHRC funded study that explores the relations between urban change and the supply of schooling in Ontario. This research was originated by a previous study, also supported by SSHRC, that investigated leadership practices in urban schools.

Supervision Opportunities

I seek outstanding and highly motivated PhD and MA students interested in conducting rigorous research on topics related to my current research foci. If you have an idea for a PhD or a Masters’ project, feel free to contact me to discuss your options. Please note that our admission process is highly competitive. More information about our PhD and MA admission can be found here.

Please see the Research tab below for more information on my current research interests



Current Projects

Urban Change and the Reconfigurations in the Supply of Schooling

Phase 1: Mapping enrolment changes in Ontario School Boards

Visit the full website here:


Phase 2: Tracking the Use of Portable Classrooms

Despite their temporary nature, portable classrooms are becoming a permanent fixture in many Ontario schools. This research uses data on portable classrooms as a proxy to investigate the effects of urban change in the provision of education in urban centres.

Please follow this link to see some of the initial findings of the study:Portable Classrooms in Ontario: An Exploratory Analysis

A second part of the study is currently undergoing: Some preliminary findings can be found here: Who uses Portable Classrooms and for How Long? Implications for Academic Achievement


Phase 3: Urban Change and the Availability of Educational Opportunity 

In this phase, the study investigates how processes of urban change, such as gentrification, urban development, and suburbanization affect the availability of educational opportunity.



2019 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada- Insight Development Grant: Exploring the Relations Between Urban Change and the Reconfigurations in the Supply of Schooling in Ontario.

2019 - Social Science and Humanities Review Board UWO Grant: Exploring the Relations between the Housing Market and the Supply of Schooling: A Pilot Study in One City in Southwestern Ontario.

2016 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada- Insight Development Grant: The Adoption of Standards for Leadership Practice in Urban Schools in Three Canadian Provinces: A Multiple Case Study.

2014 - Social Science and Humanities Review Board UWO Grant: Leadership as a Matter of Policy: The adoption of leadership policies in urban schools in Ontario

In The News

Growth mindset: As London's population swells, can it's leaders think differently? (London Free Press, Oct 13, 2024)


Students, staff struggle to learn in Ontario’s overcrowded schools (TVO, Oct 1, 2024)


Schools across Canada struggling with overcrowded classrooms (CBC News: The National, May 8, 2024)


Overcrowded schools are a growing problem, but school boards struggling to get new ones built. (CBC News, May 8, 2024)


School portables aren’t a solution to student overcrowding, but a symptom of it. (The Conversation, Nov. 13, 2023)


Loin des yeux, loin du cœur, les classes portatives en Ontario ? (LeDroit, Mar 21, 2024)


Booming enrolment will see about 70 more portables in use at London area schools. (Aug. 30, 2023)


Study Shows Students in Portables Score Lower (CBC Radio, July 19, 2023)


London research links higher portable count, lower test scores at schools (London Free Press, Jul 19, 2023)


TVDSB Undergoes Attendance Review (CTV News, Jan 10, 2023)


TVDSB looks to redraw zones to ease overcrowding in high schools (CTV News, Jan 10, 2023)


Recent Publications


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Forozantabar, M. & Riveros, A. (accepted). Exploring the use of portable classrooms in Canadian schools: Insights from newspaper reports. Mcgill Journal of Education. 

Riveros A. & Zhou, C. (accepted). Portable classrooms: Socio economic context and implications for academic achievementCanadian Journal of Educational Administation and Policy.

Riveros, A. (2023). The overreliance on portable classrooms in Ontario schools: New evidence for the study of austerity and disinvestment in Canadian public educationCanadian Journal of Education, 46(3), 570-596

Riveros,  A. & Nyereyemhuka, N. (2023). Exploring the significance of ‘place’ for culturally sensitive research, In E. Samier, & S. E. Elkaleh (Eds.). Culturally Sensitive Research Methods for Educational Administration and Leadership: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice. Routledge

Riveros, A., & Nyereyemhuka, N. (2023). Conceptualizing space in educational administration and leadership research: Towards a spatial justice perspective. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 26(4), 666-679

Eacott, S. & Riveros, A. (2021). Research methods in educational leadership, In S. J. Courtney, H. M. Gunter, R. Niesche, T. Trujillo (Eds.). Understanding educational leadership: Critical perspectives and approaches. Bloomsbury

Riveros, A., & Wei, W. (2019). Estándares y competencias en gestión educativa: >Perspectivas globales, comparativas y críticas. Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas, 27(111).

Riveros, A., & Wei, W. (2019). Standards and competency frameworks for school administrators: Global, comparative and critical perspectives. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(111).

Myers, P., Riveros, A., & Duggal, A. (2018). Identities in transition: Investigating the encounters of Colombian mothers with Canadian schools, Journal of Latinos and Education , 17(4).

Riveros, A. (2018). Thinking relationally about the school leader. In S. Eacott (Ed.) Beyond leadership - A relational approach to organizational theory in education. Singapore: Springer

Hohner, J., & Riveros, A. (2017). Transitioning from teacher leader to administrator in rural schools in South-Western Ontario. International Journal of Teacher Leadership, 8(1), 43-55.

Riveros, A. (2017). Review of Global education reform: How privatization and public investment influence educational outcomes. Teachers College Record, Retrieved from:

Riveros, A., Newton, P., & Burgess, D. (2017). Leadership standards and the discursive repositioning of leadership, leaders, and non-leaders: A critical examination. In G. Lakomski, S. Eacott, & C. Evers (Eds.). Questioning leadership: New directions for educational organizations (pp. 151 - 163). London: Routledge

Riveros, A. (2016) Thinking relationally about the “school leader”: Reflections on Eacott’s “Educational Leadership Relationally”. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 25 (2), 15-24.

Riveros, A., & Newton, P. (2016). Ontological issues in educational administration: The ontological status of educational organizations. in M. Peters (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory (v.1, pp. 1-5). Singapore: Springer

Riveros, A., Verret, C., & Wei, W. (2016). The translation of leadership standards into leadership practices: A qualitative analysis of the adoption of the Ontario Leadership Framework in urban schools, Journal of Educational Administration. 54(5).

Newton, P., & Riveros, A. (2016). Toward an Ontology of Practices in Educational Administration: Theoretical implications for research and practice. In S. Eacott & C. Evers, (Eds.), New directions in educational leadership theory, London: Routledge

Paranosic, N., & Riveros, A. (2016). The metaphorical department head: Using metaphors as analytic tools to investigate the role of department head. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice. 19(1)

Riveros, A. (2015). Technology: The new frontier of educational leadership research and practice. A review of Sheninger’s digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 14(4), 490-494

Newton, P., & Riveros, A. (2015). Toward an ontology of practices in educational administration. In S. Eacott & C. Evers (Eds.), New Frontiers in Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Theory. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 47(4)1-12

Viczko, M., & Riveros, A. (2015). Assemblage, enactment and agency: educational policy perspectives. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(4), 479-484.

Riveros, A., & Viczko, M. (2015). The enactment of professional learning policies: Performativity and multiple ontologies. In Viczko, M. & A. Riveros (Eds.). Policy enactments, assemblage and agency in educational policy contexts. Special issue of: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 36(4), 1-15.

Riveros, A. (2015). Cognition and administrative practices in education. In D. Burgess & P. Newton (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of educational Administration. New York: Routledge.

Riveros, A. (2015). Thomas Greenfield and the foundations of educational administration. In D. Burgess & P. Newton (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of educational administration. New York: Routledge

Newton, P., Riveros, A., & da Costa, J. (2013). The influence of teacher leadership in the career advancement of schoolteachers: A case study. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations. 23(2), 105-117.

Riveros, A. (2014). Embodiment and educational policy sensemaking (In Spanish) La corporeidad en la escuela y la construcción de los sentidos de la política educativa. Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas / Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(32).

Riveros, A., Newton P., & Da Costa, J. (2013). From teachers to teacher-leaders: A case study. International Journal of Teacher Leadership, 4(1).

Riveros, A. (2012). Beyond collaboration: Embodied teacher learning and the discourse of collaboration in school reform. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31(6), 603-612

Riveros, A., Newton, P., & Burgess, D. (2012). A situated account of teacher agency and learning: Critical reflections on Professional Learning Communities. Canadian Journal of Education. 35(1), 202-216.

Riveros, A., & Viczko, M. (2012). Professional knowledge “from the field”: Enacting professional learning in the contexts of practice. McGill Journal of Education, 47(1), 37-52

Riveros, A., Norris, S. P., Phillips, L. P., & Hayward, D. V. (2012). Dispositions and the quality of learning. In M. J. Lawson & J. R. Kirbi (Eds.) Enhancing the quality of learning. Cambridge University Press. pp 32-50

Riveros, A. (2012). La distribución del liderazgo como estrategia de mejoramiento institucional. Revista Educacion y Educadores, 15(2), 289-301.

Riveros, A. (2012). Review of So much reform, so little change: The persistence of failure in urban schools. C. Payne. Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 58(1).

Riveros, A. (2009). Thomas Greenfield and the quest for meaning in organizations: A postponed dialogue with Ludwig Wittgenstein. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations. 20(2), 51-67.

Kachur, J., Riveros, A., et al. (2008). The ‘Great Experiment’ for education, and a conversation beyond the boundaries, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 6(4), 367-408.


Viczko, M. & Riveros, A. (Eds.) (2017). Assemblage, enactment and agency: Educational policy perspectives . New York: Routledge

Edited Special Issues

Riveros, A. & Wei. W. (2019). Standards and competency frameworks for school administrators: Global, comparative and critical Perspectives / Estándares y competencias en gestión educativa: Perspectivas globales, comparativas y críticas. Education policy analysis archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas. 27(111)

Riveros, A. (Ed.) (2018). 2nd Annual Review of Books. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy , 186(1).

Riveros, A. (Ed.) (2017). Annual Review of Books. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 26(1).

Viczko, M., & Riveros, A. (Eds.) (2015). Assemblage, enactment and agency: educational policy perspectives. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(4).


Teaching and Supervision

My teaching areas are education research, leadership theory, and education policy analysis. I teach or have taught the following courses:

Teaching - Graduate

  • ED 9507, Graduate Seminar in Leadership
  • ED 9201, Introduction to Educational Research
  • ED 9720, Theoretical Foundations of Inquiry
  • ED 9715, PhD Seminar

Teaching - Undergraduate

  • ED 5002, Social Foundations of Education
  • ED 9476, Investigating Urban Schools

Supervision - PhD.

 In Progress:

Hanwen Chang: The Rural Urban Divide and Educational Opportunity

Richard Oppong-Bosomah: Housing Insecurity and Educational Opportunity

Chenyang Zhou:  Demographic Changes and Student Achievement at the Neighbrohood Level in Ontario: A Socio-Spatial Exploration


Nyasha Nyereyemhuka: Embracing the Race: How Black Women Principals Construct their Professional Identities in Ontario Schools

Rafaela Lopez-Cobar: An Exploration of the Lived Experiences of Students who Attended Supervised Alternative Learning Programs in Southwestern Ontario

Diego Sornoza: Quality Assurance Policy Enactment in Ecuadorian Higher Education. The Case of the Public Regional Universities in the Province of Manabí

Hailiang Zhao: Internationalization of Regional Higher Education in China: A Critical Policy Case Study of A Transnational Double-Degree Program (Co-Supervised with Dr. Marianne Larsen)

Ayman Massouti: Inclusion and Policy Enactment in Teacher Education: A Focus on Pre-service Teacher Preparation for the Inclusive Classroom


Supervision - MA


Marzieh Forozantabar: Beyond the portable classroom: investigating portable classrooms from secondary sources and reframing spatial needs in Canadian schools

Jing Qu: How Do Program Recruiters at One Ontario University Interpret the Internationalization Strategic Plan?

Yanan Sui: Chinese International Students’ University-to-Work Transition in Canada

Carolyn Lee Potts: Analysis of Media as a Form of Critical Discourse Analysis in Education

Nikola Paranosic: The “Fifth Business" of Department Heads: Examining the Perceptions of Department Heads about their Role