Dr. Aniko Varpalotai, MA
Professor Emerita & Adjunct Research Professor
B.A./BPHE, M.A. (Queen’s University); Ph.D. (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto)
Dr. Aniko Varpalotai, MA
Professor Emerita & Adjunct Research Professor
B.A./BPHE, M.A. (Queen’s University); Ph.D. (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto)
Dr. Aniko Varpalotai (BA/BPHE, MA Queen’s University; PhD OISE/UT, Sociology in Education) taught at the Faculty of Education for 25 years prior to her retirement in 2013. Her teaching and research interests have included: Sociology of Education, Health Education, Gender Equity, and Rural Education in Canada and internationally, including collaborations in Wales and Tanzania. Throughout her career she served in leadership positions with UWOFA (University of Western Ontario Faculty Association), as President, Deputy Chief Negotiator for faculty, and Chief Negotiator for librarians and archivists. She also chaired OCUFA’s Status of Women Committee and its Collective Bargaining Committee. Her contributions were recognized by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) with a Dedicated Service Award (2006) and the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Status of Women Committee Award of Distinction (2012).
Since retirement, she continues to write and present on issues related to rural education and health, as well as academic unions, and contributes as a peer reviewer and external examiner. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the South West Local Health Integration Network.
Rural Education, Rural Health, Gender Equity
Recent Publications
Singleton, E, & Varpalotai, A. (2012). Pedagogy in Motion: A Community of Inquiry for Studies in Human Movement. London, ON: The Althouse Press.
Singleton, E. & Varpalotai, A. (2006). Stones in the Sneaker: Active theory for secondary school physical and health educators. London, ON: The Althouse Press.
Other recent publications include the following chapters in edited books:
Dawes, M., L. Dunn, A. Varpalotai (in press). From Certification to Strike – Academic Librarians & Archivists at Western. Edited book: In Solidarity: Academic Librarian Activism and Union Participation in Canada. J. Dekker and M. Kandiuk, co-editors, Litwin Books, LLC, Sacramento, CA.
Varpalotai, A. (in press). A Case Study of a Canadian NGO’s Evolution, Challenges and Contributions to International Education Development. Edited book: A Child’s World – Working Together for a Better Future. M. Thomas (Editor), Aberystwyth University, Wales.