Diego Sornoza Parrales
Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
Master's in Technology Management, Master's in Educational Management
Diego Sornoza Parrales
Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
Master's in Technology Management, Master's in Educational Management
Memberships and Credentials:
- SENESCYT Accredited Researcher: Record REG-INV-16-01687
- Member of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
- Member of the Scholarship Holders Association of Ecuador (ABREC)
- Western University’s Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) Councilor – In
representation of the Faculty of Education (2021 – 2022)

Augusto Riveros, PhD
Course Work Completed
- Ph.D. Seminar
- Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- Qualitative Research in Education
- Graduate Seminar in Leadership
- Critical Policy Studies in Education
Peer-reviewed Articles
Sornoza Parrales, D. (submitted). Consequences of Quality Assurance Policy in the Academic Production of Manabí Universities: a scientometric analysis. Revista Public service motivation, a literature analysis of China and Ecuador. Revista Científica y Arbitrada de Ciencias Sociales y Trabajo Social: Tejedora.
Sornoza Parrales, D., Sornoza, G., Parrales, M. & Guaranda, V. (2020). Public service motivation, a literature analysis of China and Ecuador. Revista Espacios, Vol. 41 No. 30, 180-188.
Romo, M., Pincay, M., Sornoza-Parrales, D., & Pincay, D. (2017). Purchase behavior: comparative study between working and homemakers mothers, in the middle and lower-middle socioeconomic level (in Spanish). Comportamiento de compra entre madres que trabajan y no trabajan en los estratos medio típico y bajo. Revista Científica Sinapsis.
Book Chapters
Sornoza-Parrales, D. (2021) From leaders to leaders’ creators: A hierarchy of styles to promote leadership sustainability in education. In Docencia, ciencia y humanidades : hacia un enseñanza integral en la Universidad del siglo XXI (pp. 691-709). Editorial Dykinson.
Conference Presentations
Sornoza-Parrales, D. (2022, May). The Adoption of Quality Assurance Systems: Challenges for the Regional Universities in Ecuador. Paper presented at the Congress 2022 of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Online, Canada.
Sornoza-Parrales, D. (2022, April). Agile Methodologies applied to Higher Education. Paper presented at the 1st International Seminar of Scientific and Methodologic Work, Jipijapa, Ecuador.
Sornoza-Parrales, D. (2022, April). Organizational challenges and benefits of Research Quality Assurance Policy in the Ecuadorian Higher Education: a case study. Poster presented at the 13th Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education, London, Canada.
Sornoza Parrales, D. (submitted). From leaders to leaders' creators: A hierarchy of styles to promote leadership sustainability in education. Paper presented at the International Congress Nodes of Knowledge 2020, Spain.
Sornoza Parrales, D. (2020, June). Practice theory, quality standards and accountability in Ecuadorian higher education. Paper presented at the Congress 2020 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, London, Canada.
Sornoza Parrales, D. (2020, March). Exploring the consequences of the Quality Assurance Policy in the Academic Production of the Public Universities in the Province of Manabí (Ecuador). Paper presented at the 11th Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education, London, Canada.
Sornoza Parrales, D. (2019, June). Is Ecuadorian Higher Education moving towards Internationalization? A qualitative document policy analysis. Poster presented at the Congress 2019 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Vancouver, Canada.
Book Reviews
Sornoza Parrales, D. (Accepted). [Review of the book University and Society, by Kövér, A. & Franger, G], Canadian Journal of Educational Administration.
- (2016) SENESCYT Open Call Scholarship. Ecuador
- (2013) CONACYT Scholarship. Mexico
- (2012) SENESCYT Open Call Scholarship. Ecuador