Current Students Information
Get Support
Academic and Career Support
Academic and Career Support
We want you to be able to do your best work and have assembled these academic and career supports to help you round out your skills and reach your full potential as a student and professional. Can any of these services benefit you?
Academic Websites
You may frequent a few or all of these academic websites during your program. Get to know the site that is most important to you.
Program and Research Office
Your program office can provide academic counselling suggestions and help resolve enrolment, grade, instructor, and other course-related issues. Office staff are eager and willing to make your experience better whenever possible. The Research Office can help with ethics approvals, grant writing, and other research activities.
Teacher Education Office
Contact:Teacher Ed Office
Graduate Education Office
Phone: 519-661-2099
ASPIRE Program Office
Phone: 519-661-2092
Research Office
Phone: 519.661.2111 x88068
Student Records
Your personal records can be accessed by logging on to the Student Central portal. Review grades, check financial balances, and more.
Academic Performance
Find the supports that can strengthen core academic areas so you can be at your best.
- Writing Support Centre
- Learning Skills Services
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Accessible Education
Library Services
Western Education is home to its own library with affiliations to the other libraries on campus. Find resources for your assignment or research project and access one-on-one consulting to help you leverage the information-finding tools available.
Career Supports
Polish your resume, practice your interview skills, attend workshops, and plan your career path. Learn how you can advance your career.
Financial Matters
Financial Matters
Education is an investment in your future. This section focuses on the financial side of earning your degree or certificate, helping you pay, earn, and manage your financial resources.
Paying Tuition
These links will assist you with making payments to the university.
Scholarships and Awards
There are a number of scholarship and award opportunities for current students. See if you apply and learn about criteria and submission dates.
Financial Counselling
For those wishing to speak in confidence about their financial situation with a financial counsellor, please book an appointment below.
Health and Well-being
Health and Well-being
We want you to feel physically and mentally fit throughout your program and beyond. Your health is important to us and we encourage you to explore and take advantage of the health services supported by the university.
Recreation Activities
Whether a game of pick-up basketball, intramural sports, or the gym or pool, there are many ways to get moving and feel healthy.
Medical Services
Physical and mental health services are important components of good health and wellbeing.
Western Education is committed to being an advocate for the accessibility strategies in place at the university. See how the campus is improving its accessibility practices.
Safety and Security
There are measures that ensure the safety of everybody on campus. Learn more about these mechanisms and how to access safety and security services.
Technology Support
Technology Support
Technology is brilliant when it works as planned and can be frustrating when it doesn't. Luckily, the faculty and university have technology gurus in place to get accounts, computers, and other technologies performing properly. This section highlights some common problems and where to seek help, along with sources of technology that you can access in the building.
Student Account Problems?
If you are having trouble logging in to a Western portal (ie. Student Centre, etc.) it might mean that your username and/or password needs to be reset or reactivated by the Western Technology Services (WTS) team on main campus.
Computer Trouble?
For building technology bugs or questions about the performance of your laptop or PC please visit the technology team in Western Education Rm. 1138. Alternatively, create a ticket with them using the education support portal
- eLearning and Information Services, Rm. 1138
- Submit a ticket
To print, students can purchase print credits with a credit card via the papercut system below (select "credit card" from the drop-down menu). The other option is to purchase "print cards" in Rm. 1138 or the Western Education library and redeem these credits by logging into the papercut system and selecting "redeem" from the drop-down menu.
OWL Support
If you are experiencing trouble with our online learning management system OWL, please contact the help desk at Western Technology Services for assistance.
Room Booking
Students working in the building can book a meeting room by accessing the meeting room page below and following the directions. Many of our meeting rooms have conferencing equipment and projectors for skype calls or presentations.
Equipment Rentals
Technology equipment such as clickers, slide advancers, latptops (grad students only), SMART Boards, video cameras, a portable sound system, and a digital SLR camera can be loaned to students on a short-term basis for project work. Please visit the eLearning and Information Services in Rm. 1138 to inquire about the availability of this selection and to book time early. Equipment is loaned on a first come-first served basis.
- eLearning and Information Services, Rm. 1138