Congratulations from Associate Dean Immaculate Namukasa

What a proud day! We just couldn’t be happier for each one of you!
Our Western Graduate Education Class, congratulations on completing your degrees and on your convocation today!
On my own behalf as Associate Dean Graduate Education, on behalf of your professors, managers and assistants and staff in Graduate Education at Western, I wish to congratulate each one of you on successfully completing your degrees.
To some of you this is your first graduate degree and to others it is the second or third or even fourth. Many congratulations on your graduate degrees!
You now have gained the refined skills and focused expertise in scholarly work, professional practice and community engagement. I encourage you to continue to nurture these through work, professional and personal development, and civic engagement.
You are earning graduate degrees in a specialized field of Education: in Critical Policy, Equity (and social justice) and (Education) Leadership Studies (CPELS); in Applied (School or counselling) Psychology, and in Curriculum Studies (specific school levels or in specific disciplines) and Studies in Applied Linguistics in Education.
Today we celebrate your Masters of Professional Education, your Masters of Arts, your Educational Doctorate, and your Doctoral of Philosophy degrees!
For the past few years, you have engaged in academic work with your professors, your colleagues, and with the broader education community.
It has taken extreme attention, tremendous determination, and ingenious effort to successfully complete your course work and milestones during a time of Global health crises.
You persevered. You learned in unconventional ways, and spaces. You are resilient!
With the highest degree of self-determination you productively fulfilled all requirements for your degrees.
It has been the utmost pleasure to supervise, teach, mentor, advise, counsel, and support each one of you in your academic journeys.
Our vision is Transforming education, transforming lives! The world is yours to change and transform!
- One organization at a time,
- One school
- One educational community,
- One family,
- One small group,
- One client,
- One youth and One Adult Learner.
- One child at a time,
- And in your Western Graduate Education way!
Our Western Graduate Education's Class of 2021: We are ecstatic to see you graduate on this day!
Congratulations on this well-deserved personal and academic achievement!
You have our VERY best wishes!