Emm Gryner
Emm Gryner
There’s power in uncertainty and each person has the power to make change, use their voice to express themselves and connect with – and inspire – other people.
Juno nominee and singer/songwriter, Emm Gryner, told teacher candidates of finding her power during uncertain times and how they can also find their power during uncertainty caused by COVID-19 to inspire their students to reach new heights.
Gryner discussed her journey to teacher candidates during an online orientation session that started the new academic year.
Without a doubt, Gryner’s journey of finding her power started during three significant life changing moments. First, her husband ended their marriage. Then, two close friends died.
“It was devastating,” said Gryner. “I didn’t know what to do. I spiralled.”
She tried therapy, exercise and medication to eliminate the pain. But they didn’t work.
“I had really lost myself after a course of many, many years. Where did that person go? I had to get her back. I was tired of being so sad,” said Gryner.
Despite her pain and uncertainty, Gryner found her power through education. Specifically, teaching music gave herself a voice. However, she embraced the opportunity reluctantly because she didn’t see herself teaching singing lessons. To Gryner’s surprise, it was this moment that changed her life.
She found joy in sharing knowledge with her student. As a result, she started to heal and make healthy choices. She also started giving more vocal lessons.
Now, she’s a coach who helps people find their voices and assists their musical careers. She calls it, “the gift of giving.”
Teacher candidates also need to find their voice, said Gryner. In fact, they’ve already started this process because although there’s a global pandemic, they’re still pursuing their dreams of becoming teachers.
“All of you are moving forward. You’re doing exactly what you had planned to do,” said Gryner. “It’s all about making it work.”