Research Day 2010
This year’s Research Day, a collaborative presentation among the faculties of Arts and Humanities, Education, and Media and Information Studies, drew large crowds and received praise from President Chakma and the faculties’ three deans.
More than 100 presentations were on display from all three faculties and close to 200 researchers and guests mingled and discussed the work at this lively event in the Great Hall.
Dr. Gerry Kidder spoke about the value of cross faculty collaboration. He discovered an Arts researcher working in Dr. Kidder’s area of research while browsing among presentations at a previous research day. That meeting prompted an ongoing dialogue around his medical research and his Arts colleague’s work in philosophy and ethics focusing on that research.
Dean Donna Pennee suggested the event should be expanded to a larger venue, possibly beyond campus. Dr. Chakma agreed that was an idea was a great one and an opportunity to showcase Western’s work in the larger community. Deans O’Sullivan and Carmichael thanked their researchers and the organizers for what all agreed was a great day for research and for Western.
For more information on the presentations, go to: