Dr. Daniel Ansari, PhD
Professor and Tier 1 CIHR CRC in Developmental Cognitive Nueroscience & Learning - Applied Psychology
PhD (University College London), MSc in Neuroscience (University of Oxford), BA (Hons) Psychology (1st Class) (University of Sussex)
Dr. Daniel Ansari, PhD
Professor and Tier 1 CIHR CRC in Developmental Cognitive Nueroscience & Learning - Applied Psychology
PhD (University College London), MSc in Neuroscience (University of Oxford), BA (Hons) Psychology (1st Class) (University of Sussex)
Daniel Ansari received his PhD from University College London in 2003. Presently, Daniel Ansari is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning in the Department of Psychology and the Brain & Mind Institute at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, where he heads the Numerical Cognition Laboratory (www.numericalcognition.org). Ansari and his team explore the developmental trajectory underlying both the typical and atypical development of numerical and mathematical skills, using both behavioral and neuroimaging methods.
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
(* indicates student/post-doc/trainee first author)
Alvarez-Rivero, A.A., Odgers, C. & Ansari, D. (2023) Elementary school teachers’ perspectives about learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. NPJ Science of Learning, 8:40
Wilkey, E.D., Gupta, I., Peiris, A. & Ansari, D. (2023) The mathematical brain at rest. Current Directions in Behavioral Sciences, 49, 101246
Srivastava, P., Lau T.T, Ansari, D. & Thampi, N. (2023) Effects of school- and area-level socio-economic factors on elementary school student COVID-19 infections: a population-based observational study. BMJ Open, 13 (3) e065596
Sokolowski, H.M., Matejko, A.A. & Ansari, D. (2023) The role of the angular gyrus in mathematical cognition: A literature review. Brain Structure and Function, 228(1), 293-304.
Lagacé-Cusiac, R., Tremblay, P.F., Ansari, D. & Grahn, J.A. (2022) Investigating the relationships between temporal and spatial ratio estimation and magnitude discrimination using SEM: evidence for a common ratio processing system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 4(1), 108-128.
Sokolowski, H.M., Hawes, Z. & Ansari, D. (2022) The neural correlates of retrieval and procedural strategies in mental arithmetic: a functional neuroimaging meta-analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 1-16
Book Chapters
*Vogel, S.E., Matejko, A. & Ansari, D. (2016) Imaging the developing human brain using functional and structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Methodological and practical guidelines. J.Prior & J. Van Herwegen (Eds.) Practical Research with Children. Hove: Psychology Press, 46-70.
*Lyons, I.M., Vogel, S.E. & Ansari, D. (2016) On the ordinality of numbers: A review of neural and behavioural studies. Progress in Brain Research, 227: 187-221.
*Sokolowski, H.M. & Ansari, D. (2016) Symbolic and nonsymbolic representation of number in the human parietal cortex: a review of the state-of-the art, outstanding questions and future directions. Continuous Issues in Numerical Cognition, San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 37-58
Commentaries & Editorials
Hyde, DC. & Ansari, D. (2018) Advances in Understanding the Development of the Mathematical Brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 30: 236-238.
Ansari, D. & Gervain, J. (2018) Registered Reports: introducing a new article format in Developmental Science. Developmental Science, 21(1).
*Merkley, R., Scerif, G. & Ansari, D. (2017) What is the precise role of cognitive control in the development of a sense of number? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (Commentary on Leibovich et al.), 40e179
*Merkley, R., Matejko, A.A. & Ansari, D. (2017) Strong causal claims require strong evidence: A commentary on Wang et al. (2016). Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 153, 163-7.
Encyclopedia Entries
Price, G.R., & Ansari, D. (2013). Dyscalculia. In Dulac, O. & Lassonde, M. (Eds.) Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Elsevier, London, 111, 241-4.
*Matejko, A. & Ansari, D. (2012). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning. In N.M. Seel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, 1949-1950.
*Holloway, I.D. & Ansari, D. (2012). Learning Numerical Symbols. In N.M. Seel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, 961-963.
Ansari, D. (2009) Neuroimaging of numerical and mathematical development. In Encyclopedia of Language and Literacy Development. London, ON: Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network (CLLRNet)
Other Publications
Goffin, C. & Ansari, D. (2018) Can Brain Training Train Your Brain? Using the Scientific Method to Get the Answer. Frontiers for Young Minds. 6:26.
Kamkar, N., Kamkar, N. & Ansari, D. (2018) What Is the Key to Success? And How Do We Get There? Frontiers for Young Minds. 6:12.
Sokolowski, H.M. & Ansari, D. (2017) Who Is Afraid of Math What Is Math Anxiety And Whart Can You Do about It? Frontiers for Young Minds. 5:57.
Merkley, R. & Ansari, D. (2017) Numerical symbols count for mathematical success. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 43, 21-25.
Teaching and Supervision
Courses Taught
2017 – How Changeable are we? (Graduate Course)
2003 – present: Development of the Mathematical Brain (Dartmouth College & University of Western Ontario)
2007 – present: Mind, Brain and Education (University of Western Ontario)