Dr. Carol Beynon, EdD
Associate Professor
EdD (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
Dr. Carol Beynon, EdD
Associate Professor
EdD (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
My areas of research stem from various experiences as a lifelong student of learning, as a former elementary and secondary school teacher and as artistic director of various choirs. My research areas include gender issues in music education, particularly as they pertain to representations of masculinities in relation to singing; teacher development and identity; school music education and policy development; and arts education, using qualitative research methods. I am the founding and co-artistic director of the Amabile Boys & Men’s Choirs of London, Canada and work extensively with male choirs in national and international settings. My research involves conventional print-based work as well as adjudicated and peer-reviewed musical performances.
I have taught elementary and secondary music education in the preservice program as well as several different courses in the graduate programs, including Introduction to Curriculum, Contemporary Trends in Curriculum, Critical Issues in Arts Education, and the Doctoral Research Seminar.
Invited Guest Conductor with Bob Chilcott, Oxford University Press and Principal Guest Conductor of the BBC Singers ' Domino Choir, Opava, Moravia
International Artistic Director, (2008), 2nd World Festival of Singing for Boys & Men, Rudolfinum, Czech Republic.
Invited international conductor. (2005). Elken Camp for Unchanged Voices. International Alliance for Arts and understanding.
Invited international conductor. (2002). Festival Boys' Chorus, Americafest International Men and Boys Choral Festival, St. John's University, MN
Invited international conductor. (July 2002). Festival Boys Chorus. Sixth World Choral Symposium. Minneapolis, MN
International and National Radio/Television Programs
CBC Radio Documentary (2009) Where have all the tenors gone? A Study of the missing males in singing. C.A. Beynon interviewed with Amabile Young Men's Ensemble.
Choral Concert & CBC Live-to-air Broadcasts (2008) ' 9 performances, April and May 2008
Primus, Amabile Men's Choir (July 2008) Czech Radio live-to-air broadcast from Dvorak Hall, Rudolfinum, Prague.
East Meets West: Amabile Young Men's Ensemble in Concert with Chor Leoni. (June, 2006). H. Dyck (host) Choral Concert. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Featured conductors Carol Beynon, Ken Fleet & Diane Loomer.
Amabile Boys' Choirs 'In Concert'. (2004). Czech TV Televised Special from Dvorak Hall in the Rodolfinum, Prague. Featuring conductors Carol Beynon & Ken Fleet.
National Canadian Winners' Live Broadcast. (May, 2004. H. Dyck (host) Choral Concert; C. A. Beynon & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Live performance
Canadian Finalists Broadcast. (April,2004. H. Dyck (host) Choral Concert; C. A. Beynon & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 2004.
Concert Broadcast. (August 6, 2002) Amabile Boys Choir Concert, conducted by C.A. Beynon and K. A. Fleet for the Sixth World Choral Symposium, Minnesota Public Radio. http://music.mpr.org/features/0208_worldchoral/
Concert Broadcast. (August 5, 2002) Festival Boys' Honour Choir, conducted by C. A. Beynon for the Sixth World Choral Symposium, Minnesota Public Radio. http://music.mpr.org/features/0208_worldchoral/
Competition Broadcast. (April 17, 2002). H. Dyck (host); C. A. Beynon & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Live performance in the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 2002. http://cbc.ca/choralconcert/finalists.html
Canadian Winners Broadcast. (April 17, 2002). H. Dyck (host); C. A. Beynon, B. Zadorsky, J. Barron, & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Chamber Choir, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Live performance in the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 2002. http://cbc.ca/choralconcert/finalists.html
Canadian Finalists Broadcast. (April 17, 2002). H. Dyck (host) Choral Concert; C. A. Beynon & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 2002. http://cbc.ca/choralconcert/finalists.html
Canadian Finalists Broadcast. (April 17, 2002). H. Dyck (host) Choral Concert; C. A. Beynon, B. Zadorsky, J. Barron, & K.A. Fleet (conductors); Amabile Chamber Choir, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 2002. http://cbc.ca/choralconcert/finalists.html
Choral Concert, March 1998. H. Dyck (host); Beynon C. A. & Keating. B. A. (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 1998.
Choral Concert, March & May 1998. H. Dyck (host); Beynon C. A. with Keating. B. A., Barron, J. & Zadorsky, B. (conductors); Amabile Chamber Choir, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from the CBC Competition for Amateur Choirs 1998.
Take Five, January 1997. U. Goth (host), Beynon C. A. & Keating. B. A. (conductors); Amabile Boys Choirs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Performances drawn from Amabile Festival recording.
Reviewed Recordings
Beynon, C.A., & Fleet, K.A. (2004). New Horizons. Elmira, ON: Marshall Arts. (Reviewed in Anacrusis, Journal of the Canadian Choral Directors Association)
Beynon, C.A., Barron. J., Fleet, K., & Zadorsky, B. (2002). Wrapped in song. Elmira, ON: Marshall Arts.(Reviewed in the Canadian Music Educator)
Beynon, C. A., & Keating, B. A. 1999. Folkalizing, Furiant Productions. (Reviewed Alla Breve, 2000)
Adjudicated and/or Invited Performances
Festival 500 - International Choral Conference, 2001, St. John's, Newfoundland (performance recorded by CBC for airing in 2001 - 2002 programming and CBC recording).
Showcase Concert of the National Kodaly Conference, 1999. A Musical Retrospective of the Last Millennium.
Americafest International Boychoir Festival, (1998 & 2000). Canadian Representative.
Musical Arrangements
Beynon, C. A. (1996). Mon coeur se recommende a vous (O. Di Lasso). TBB; Commissioned by the Amabile Boys Choirs, London, ON: Eighth Note Publications.
Recent Publications
Books (Refereed)
Beynon, C.A., & Veblen, K. (Eds.). (in press). Critical Perspectives in Music Education in Canada. Waterloo, ON: WLU Academic Press.
Beynon, C. A., Geddis, A. N., & Onslow, B. A. (2001). Learning-to teach: Concepts and cases for novice teachers and teacher educators. Toronto: Prentice-Hall.
Book Chapters (Refereed)
Beynon, C.A. (in press). It's Not a Job, It's Who I Am: Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction Sites of Teaching. In S. O/Neill (Ed.). Personhood and Music Learning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives and Narrative Voices. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Music Educators' Association / L'Association canadienne des musiciens 'ducateurs.
Beynon, C.A, & Alfano, C. (in press). Intergenerational Musical Performance: It's a Two-Way Street for Learning. In K.K. Veblen & D. Elliott, Community Music Today (CMT). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Beynon, C. A. (in press). Choral music education in Canada: One perspective. In C.A. Beynon & K.K. Veblen (Eds.), Critical Perspectivse in Music Education in Canada.
Beynon, C. A., & Veblen, K. (in press). Epistemology spinning: What do we really know about music education in Canada? In C.A. Beynon & K.K. Veblen (Eds.), Critical Perspectives in Music Education in Canada.
Veblen, K., & Beynon, C.A. (in press). Globalization and Canadian Music Education. In C.A. Beynon & K.K. Veblen (Eds.), Critical Perspectives in Music Education in Canada.
Beynon, C.A., (2009). (Re)constructing and (Re)Mediating Societal Norms in Masculinity: Reconciling Songs of War. In E. Gould, C. Morton, J Countryman, J., L. Stewart-Rose, (Eds.). Exploring Social Justice: How Music Education Might Matter. Waterloo, ON: Canadian Music Educators' Association / L'Association canadienne des musiciens 'ducateurs.
Beynon, C. A. (2000). Who is teaching the next generation of music teachers? Implications for music education in the new millennium. In B. Hanley (Ed.) Looking Forward: Challenges to Canadian Music Education. Toronto: Friesens Publishing.
Refereed Journals
Beynon, C.A., & Heywood, A-L. (2010). Making their Voices Heard: A Social Constructivist Study of Youth and Men Who Choose to Sing. Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts. ISSN 1835 ' 2776; 1(6): Theme: 'Singing: Interdisciplinary perspectives on a natural human expressive outlet'.
Beynon, C.A., Beynon-Martinec, J.C., & Martinec, J. (2010). Choral memory: Developing and sustaining tonal excellence in choirs. International Choral Bulletin. 30(2).
Veblen, K. K.; Beynon, C. A.; & Odom, S. L. (2005). Drawing on diversity in the arts education classroom: Educating our new teachers. International Journal of Education and the Arts. 6(14) https://www.ijea.org/v6n14/index.html
Beynon, C.A. (2004).The rise and fall and rise and fall and rise...of choral music in Canada. Canadian Music Educator,45(2).
Beynon, C.A. (2004). Lifelong learning in music: privileging the privileged? International Journal of Community Music,2 . http//www.nyu.edu.education.music/ music/meducation/ijcm
Published Conference Proceedings
(Ed.). Sampsel: Proceedings of the 2002 International Society for Music Education Confernece, Bergen, Norway.
Beynon, C. A. (2002). Choral memory over time: An indicator of a healthy learning organization. (Pp. 33 -41). In A. Rose & K. Adams (Eds.), Sharing the Voices: The Phenomenon of Singing. Memorial University, Newfoundland.
Beynon, C. A. (1993). Practicum partnership: How far is it really from the faculty to the schools? In L. Beauchamp & A. Borys (Eds.), Crossroads and Horizons in Teacher Education. Edmonton: University of Alberta.
Refereed Conference Presentations
Veblen, K., Odom, S, & Beynon, C.A. (2004). Everyone teaches: Drawing on the diversity of the classroom. Paper presented at the Society for Ethnomusicology, Tucson, AZ.
Beynon, C.A. (2004). Drawing on Diversity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
Beynon, C.A. (2003). Diversity in music education: An analysis of current policy documents in Ontario. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Dalhousie University, Halifax.
Beynon, C.A. (2002). Investigating the rapid growth of community choral programs in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian University Music Society, University of Toronto.
Beynon, C.A. (2002). Choral music education in Canada: Towards a postmodern perspective. International Society for Music Education Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Beynon , C. A. (2001). Choral memory over time: An indicator of a healthy learning organization, International Symposium for Singing, Memorial University, Newfoundland.
Beynon, C.A. (2001). The significance of intellectualism in music education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian University Music Society, Laval University, Quebec City.
Beynon, C. A. (2001). Change over time? Longitudinal change paths of educational reform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle.
Beynon, C.A. (1999). Developing national standards in the arts in Canada. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal.
Beynon, C. A. (March, 1998). Crossing over from student to teacher: Negotiating an identity. Centre for the Study of Teacher Education, The University of British Columbia. (Also presented at The University of Western Ontario, December, 1997 and at the Institute for Studies in Education, May, 1997.)
Beynon, C. A. (1997), Music education for a new millennium. Paper presented at national meeting the Canadian Music Educator's Association, Halifax, NS.
Beynon, C.A. (1997). From critical thinking to critical practice in the classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Memorial University, Newfoundland.
Beynon, C. A. (1997). The invisible teacher educator: Examining the role of the associate teacher in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Research Grants and Projects
1997 Ministry of Education and Training (with J. Martin, R. Clark, C. Hoogland)
The Arts Curriculum in Ontario Secondary School Reform
1996 - 1997 Ontario Women's Directorate grant (with R. Coulter and H. Harper)
Gender Equity and Teacher Education Project
1994 - 1997 SSHRC grant (with A. Geddis, principal investigator, and B. Onslow)
Learning about Teaching Project
1994 - 1996 UWO Internal SSHRC grant (with S. Majhanovich, S. Rich, R. Hansen)
Exploring Issues of Marginality in Teacher Education
1989 - 1992 Teacher Development Project: Focus on Teacher Development, Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Beynon, C.A. Principal Investigator - Primary Sub-project
Professional Journals
Beynon, C. A. (June, 1999). Where it's A.T.: Focus on the associate teacher. Professionally Speaking. pp. 39 - 41.
Beynon, C. A. (1997). Revisiting the culture of the school and the problem of change. by S. Sarason, 1996, Teaching Education. [website: http://www.teaching education.com/vol9-1/beynon.htm]
Guest editor (2000) Special Edition - Music for a New Millennium, Alla Breve.
Beynon, C.A. (1999). Where it's A.T.: Focus on the associate teacher. London, ON: Althouse Press.
Teaching and Supervision
Thesis and Project Supervision
- Effectiveness of School Councils
- Rotary Teachers and Stress
- Mentorship Programs
- Developing an Identity as a Principal
- How Teachers Interpret and Teach Character Education Programs
- Music Education
- Teachers' life Histories
Courses Taught in the Preservice Program
- Teaching and Learning Theory - Instrumental/Vocal Music
- Teaching and Learning Theory: Primary-Junior-Intermediate Music
- Teaching in Secondary Schools
- Core Curriculum - Elementary Methods
Courses Taught in the Continuing Education Program
- Honours Music Specialist
- Associate Teachers' Course
- Junior ABQ
Courses Taught in the Graduate Program
- Doctoral Research Seminar (702)
- Doctoral Research Colloquium (769)
- Introduction to Curriculum (580)
- Curriculum, School and Society (679)
- Critical Issues in Arts Education (613)
- Curriculum: Contemporary Trends (584)
Invited Graduate Lectures
- Leaning to read; Reading to learn, St. John's University, MN
- Appreciating cultural diversity: Choral Music of Canada. St. John's University
- The changing voice - Enhancing self-esteem and confidence, St. John's University
- Crossing over from student to teacher:Negotiating an identity, University of British Columbia
- Critical ethnography as a research methodology, The University of Western Ontario
- Theory in practice: Investigating the practicum in teacher education, The University of Western Ontario
University Committees
- 2002 - 2004 Senator, representing the Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Member, University Council on Student Housing
- 2000-2002 Member, University Library Council
- 1994 - 1997 Faculty of Education representative to Music Faculty Council
Faculty Committees
- 2004 - Member, Senior Advisory Task Force, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- 2002 - Chair, Graduate Studies Subcommittee
- 2002 - Member, DAC
- 2002 - Member, Research & Publication Committee
- 2001 - 2003 Chair, Faculty Council
- 2000 - 2002 Chair, Information Services Committee
- 2000 - Member, Academic Policy Committee
- 1998-2001 Member, Preservice Program Committee
- Member, Professional Liaison Committee
- Member, Operations Committee
- 1998 - 2000 Member, resource Allocation Committee
- 1990 - Teaching and Research Unit on Women in Education (co-chair 1994-1995)
- 1988-2000 Ontario Teachers' Federation/Faculty of Education Liaison Committee
- 1995-1998 Alternate for the Chair, Division of Curriculum Studies, Regional Curriculum Council (RCC)
- 1997-1998 Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Committee
- 1993-1996 Faculty representative, Educational Policies Committee
- 1993-1997 Representative, Music Faculty Council
- 2002 - Member, Joint Ph.D. Program Committee
Ministry of Education Committees
- Background Paper - Arts, Secondary Curriculum Reform Project
- Chair, Experience Work Group, Admissions Task Force, Teacher Education Council Ontario (TECO)
- Ontario Association of Deans in Education (OADE) Representative to the Teacher Education Council, Ontario, Admissions Task Force
- Regional Representative - Music, Ministry of Arts Work Group
- External Examiner, Draft Music Curriculum Guideline, Intermediate-Senior
Provincial Committees
- Chair, Ontario Provincial Field Experience Committee Founding Member, Ontario Provincial Field Experience Sub-committee of OADE
International Committees
- Member of the advisory board, Americafest International Music Festivals
- External Consultant and Program Developer. Bermuda Teacher Induction Program. Ministry of Education, Bermuda
- Adjudicator: International Music Festivals (Boston, Quebec City, Montreal, New York City, Toronto)
National Committees
- President, ARTS SIG, CSSE
- Consultant, Supervisory Officer Training Program. Calgary Roman Catholic School Board
- Senior Choral and Vocal Adjudicator, Central Newfoundland Music Festival
- Juror, Franklin Churchley Graduate Essay Competition, Canadian Music Educators' Association
- Consultant, Coaching Theories and Practice. Educational Leadership Centre
External University Program Reviewer
Pre-Service Program, Faculty of Education, Brock University, October 1998 (with Dr. V Timmins, Dean of Education, University of Prince Edward Island)
Journal Referee
- Educational Administration Journal (2001)
- Canadian Journal of Education (1995 - )
- Journal of Curriculum Studies (1996 - )
- Journal of Professional Studies (1996 - )
- Teaching Education (1996 - )
Manuscript Referee
- Pearson (2001)
- Teachers College Press (1999)
- Allyn & Bacon Inc. (1998)
- Maestro Orpheus Productions (1998)
- Ontario Arts Council (1996)
Conference Referee
- American Educational Research Association
- Div K: Teacher Education Kodaly Society of Canada
- Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies