Rosie Triebner
Director, Community Engagement & Development
Phone: 519.661.2111 (x87643)
Mind-Mingle: Empowering Education through Networking
November 2, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Faculty of Education Bldg.
This free event will provide our teacher candidates with an opportunity to gain valuable insight from our alumni and associate teachers!
The event involves a speed networking set up where teacher candidates will circulate tables hosted by alumni and associate teachers in attendance. At each table, teacher candidates will have 12 minutes to mingle with the minds of those seated across from them.
To encourage discussion, we’ll have conversation prompts set up at each table. Some of the topics include:
- What should someone do within the first 30 days of a new role/job to ensure they get off to the fastest start possible?
- Professionally speaking, what’s something that took you a long time to learn?
- If I had more time I would…
- What trends are most influencing your work right now?
- How has your work changed most since you started?
After speed networking, attendees will have time to mingle freely.
Pizza and refreshments will be provided!