Zhouhan Jin, MA
Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
Zhouhan Jin, MA
Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Applied Linguistics at Western University.
As a second language (L2) learner and experienced language teacher, I have been intrigued by different teaching and learning approaches in the classroom context. This interest led to my MA research: Incidental vocabulary learning through listening to teacher talk. My study revealed that students can learn words through simply listening to teachers, and that the use of first language (L1) translation by teachers is a helpful way to enhance learning gains. The study was subsequently published in the top-tier international peer-reviewed journal: Modern Language Journal.
The topic of my further study, which looked at the effect of notetaking on vocabulary learning, becomes my primary focuses in my Ph.D. program. The topic of L2 vocabulary acquisition in classroom settings by looking at the extent to which different forms of notetaking contribute to L2 vocabulary learning was awarded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship.

Stuart Webb, PhD
Course Work Completed
- GRADEDUC 9715: Ph.D. Seminar
- GRADEDUC 9710A: Ph.D. Independent Read/Research
- PSYCHOL 9540: Research Design
- GRADEDUC 9308B: Teaching & Learning Grammar (AUD)
- PSYCHOL 9542B: Multilevel Modeling/Factor (AUD)
- GRADEDUC 9303L: Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- GRADEDUC 9302A: Teaching & Learning Vocabulary
- PSYCHOL 9555B: Structural Equation Modeling (AUD)
- GRADEDUC 9304B: Teaching the four skills
- GRADEUC 9678B: Approaches to Educational Research
- GRADEUC 9705B: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- GRADEUC 9621A: Intro to Quantitative Research Methods
- GRADEUC 9300A: Understanding Second Language
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship |
2022-2025 |
Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS)—Declined |
2022 |
Graduate Student Internal Conference Award |
2021 |
Best Grade Prize for the Academic Writing Tutorial |
2021 |
Western Graduate Research Scholarship |
2020 - present |
Recipient of Entrance Scholarship |
2016-2018 |
Conferences Attended
Jin, Z. (2022, March). Does writing words in notes contribute to vocabulary learning? Paper presented at American Association in Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, US.
Jin, Z. (2022, March). Does writing words in notes contribute to vocabulary learning? Paper presented at the Symposium on Second Language Learning, London, Canada.
Jin, Z. (2019, March). Incidental Vocabulary Learning through Listening to Teacher Talk. Paper presented at American Association in Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, US.
Jin, Z., & Webb, S. (2018, Oct). Incidental Vocabulary Learning through Listening to Teacher Talk. Paper presented at Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Montreal, CA.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Jin, Z., & Webb, S. (2021). Does writing words in notes contribute to vocabulary learning? Language Teaching Research. Advance online publication. https://doi:10.1177/13621688211062184
Jin, Z., & Webb, S. (2020). Incidental Vocabulary Learning Through Listening to Teacher Talk. The Modern Language Journal, 104(3), 550-566. https://doi: 10.1111/modl.12661
Book Chapter:
Jin, Z., & Webb, S. (under review). Technology in L2 reading and vocabulary instruction. In K. Koda & R. Miller (Eds.), In The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Reading. Routledge.
Additional Information
Editorial Experience:
Reviewer for TESOL Quarterly, Wiley-Blackwell (2022)
Reviewer for The Modern Language Journal, Wiley-Blackwell (2022)
Reviewer for Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (2022)
Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (2022)
Reviewer for The Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) (2022)
Reviewer for Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA), Cambridge University Press (2021)
Reviewer for Language Teaching Research (LTR), SAGE (2021)
Reviewer for International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), De Gruyter Mouton (2021)
Senior Editor of Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education (CJNSE) (2023)
Associate Editor of Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education (CJNSE) (2022)
Mentor in the Mentorship Program (2021-present)
Member of the Robert Macmillan Symposium in Education (RMSE) Committee (2021-2022)
Member of the Anti-Racism Committee at the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) (2020-2021)