Alicia Lapointe
Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
Alicia Lapointe
Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies
Alicia Lapointe is a PhD Candidate who researches Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) and student activism in Ontario public and Catholic schools. She has received both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship (2014 - present), and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) (2013) to support her study.
Alicia created and instructs the BEd course, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, Queer/Questioning (LGBT2Q) Issues In Education (2014 - present). She has received two University Student Council Teaching Honour Roll Awards of Excellence, and an Education Students' Council Undergraduate Teaching Award (2016-2017) and a nomination for this award (2014-2015) for her work with this course. She also facilitates online and face-to-face guest lectures in both graduate and undergraduate classes at The University of Manitoba, Lakehead University, Western University, Fanshawe College, and the Ontario Police College in the areas of equity, social justice, and inclusivity; educational policy; social studies; gender, sexual, and romantic minority (GSRM) sensitivity in counseling psychology and policing; health and physical education; and queer and trans theories and methodologies.
In addition to her research and teaching responsibilities, Alicia is actively involved in cultivating a queer- and trans-positive community at the Faculty of Education. Collaborating with faculty members and students, she organized a Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit (2015) workshop with Egale Canada, and spearheaded three school-wide conferences regarding LGBT2Q issues in education: School's OUT: Educators, Students, and Community Members Discuss LGBT2Q Issues (2014); Teaching OUT: Educators and Students Address Queer Issues in Education (2012); and Busted Injustice: Cultivating Safer Learning Environments (2012). Alicia also co-founded the first GSA at the Faculty of Education.
Connect with Alicia:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alapoint13
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-lapointe-b2280b24?trk=hp-identity-name
Academia.edu: https://westernu.academia.edu/AliciaLapointe
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alicia_Lapointe

Wayne Martino, PhD
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Lapointe, A., & Crooks, C. (2017). GSA members’ experiences with a structured program to promote wellbeing. Manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal of LGBT Youth.
Lapointe, A., Dunlop, C., Crooks, C. (2017). Feasibility and fit of an evidence-informed mental health promotion program adapted for LGBTQ+ youth: Lessons learned from a healthy relationships pilot. Manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal of Youth Development.
Rich, K., Lapointe, A., & Misener, L. (2017). Local initiatives and global influences: Exploring the intersection of global social movements and event leveraging through soft power and the Pride House Movement. Manuscript submitted for publication in the Sociology of Sport Journal.
Lapointe, A. (2017). “It’s not pans, it’s people”: Student and teacher perspectives on bisexuality and pansexuality. Journal of Bisexuality, 17(1), 88–107. doi:10.1080/15299716.2016.1196157
Crooks, C., Exner-Cortens, D., Burm, S., Lapointe, A., & Chiodo, D. (2017). Two years of relationship-focused mentoring for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit adolescents: Promoting positive mental health. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 38(1), 87–104. doi:10.1007/s10935-016-0457-0
Lapointe, A. (2016). Queering the Social Studies: Lessons to be learned from Canadian secondary school Gay-Straight Alliances. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 40(3), 205-215. doi:10.1016/j.jssr.2015.07.004
Lapointe, A. (2016). 'Queering' youth studies: Exploring the queer pedagogical insights within the Critical Youth Studies Reader. Journal of LGBT Youth, 13(3), 300-304. doi:10.1080/19361653.2015.1089808
Lapointe, A. (2015). Standing 'straight' up to homophobia: Straight allies' involvement in Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA). Journal of LGBT Youth. 12(2), 144-169. doi:10.1080/19361653.2014.969867
Lapointe, A. (2014). Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) members' engagement with sex education in Canadian high schools. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 14(6), 707-717. doi:10.1080/14681811.2014.914024
Non Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Kassen, J., & Lapointe, A. (2016). Growing into resilience: Sexual and gender minority youth in Canada (Book Review). Canadian Journal of Education, 39(1), 1-5. http://journals.sfu.ca/cje/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/2279/1832
Book Chapters
Lapointe, A. (2018). Cycling back to move forward: Indigenizing teaching and learning practices in LGBT2SQ+ studies. Manuscript accepted for publication in N. M. Rodriguez (Ed.), Teaching LGBTQ+ Studies in Education: Theoretical Perspectives. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Crooks, C., Chiodo, D., Dunlop, C, K., Lapointe, A., & Kerry, A (2018). The Fourth R: Considerations for implementing evidence-based healthy relationships and mental health promotion programming in diverse contexts. Manuscript accepted for publication in A. Leschied, D. Saklofske, & G. Flett (Eds.), The Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence Informed Framework for Implementation. New York, NY: Springer.
Lapointe, A. (2016). Postgay. In E. Brockenbrough, J. Ingrey, W. J. Martino, & N. M. Rodriguez (Eds.), Critical concepts in queer studies and education: An international guide for the twenty-first century (pp. 205-218). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kassen, J., & Lapointe, A. (2016). Working ‘with’ and ‘within’: ‘Weaving’ queer spaces with cycles of resistance. In sj Miller & N. M. Rodriguez (Eds.), Educators queering academia: Critical memoirs (pp. 69-78). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Kassen, J., & Lapointe, A. (2014). Taking change to the street: Kicking homophobia and heterosexism to the curb. In D. Gosse (Ed.), OUT PROUD: Stories of pride, courage, and social justice (pp. 333-342). St John's, NL: Breakwater Books.
Professional Publications
Lapointe, A. (2017). Teen Relationship violence and wellbeing among LGBTQ+ youth. London, ON: Western University. Retrieved from: https://www.csmh.uwo.ca/docs/hrpp/knowledge_summary/teen-relationships-violence-and-wellbeing-among-lgbtq-youth.pdf
Lapointe, A., & Kassen, J. (2013). After the happily ever after: One year post-Bill 13, are Ontario Catholic schools supporting gay-straight alliance development? Education Canada, 53(4), 12-17.
Lapointe, A., & Kassen, J. (2013). Martin's map: His journey, on his terms. Our Schools Our Selves, 23(1), 61-66.
Kassen, J., & Lapointe, A. (2013). Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) and waves of change in school. Our Schools Our Selves, 22(4), 163-173.
Kassen, J., & Lapointe, A. (2013, June). Putting the pieces together: A youth engagement strategy for student-led groups. Agenda, 1, 6.
Program Manuals and Reports
Lapointe, A., & Crooks, C. (2017). Youth and facilitators’ experiences with the Healthy Relationships Program for LGBT2Q+ Youth. London, ON: Western University.
Lapointe, A., Kassen, J., Snooks, S., Townsley, D., Crooks, C., Dale, S., & Hughes, R (2017). Healthy relationships program for LGBT2Q+ youth: A Fourth R small groups program to promote healthy relationships and positive mental health (2nd ed.). London, ON: Western University.
Lapointe, A., Kassen, J., Snooks, S., Townsley, D., Hughes, R., Crooks, C., Kirkham, A., & Messinger, A. (2016). Healthy relationships program for LGBTQ+ youth: A Fourth R small groups program to promote healthy relationships and positive mental health. London, ON: Western University.