Education's place in the world
We recognize that to be educated is to have a global perspective. As such, we will focus on how education examines the world and educational ideas and practices in the world. We will look at internationalization through interdisciplinary inquiry and explore how education expands and becomes enriched through inter-cultural and inter-societal mobilities, translations and connections of worldviews, educational policies, programs, practices, educators, and learners.
Towards Western at 150
Western's place in the world
Western's place in the world
Grow global/international opportunities for students
- Faculty of Education Graduate student recognized with international leadership award
- New partnerships implemented for alternative field experience (AFE) placements in Costa Rice, France, and Spain
Expand global/international student recruitment
- ↑ International student participation in the International Baccalaureate Certificate program by 30% in 2022 and 54% in 2023
- Innovative changes to the MPEd in Global and International Education program reflect the ‘global turn’ in education
- ↑ International graduate student population by 15%
- Launched recruitment activities in the following markets; Africa, Middle East, East & Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Europe
Foster global/international cross-institutional partnerships
- Graduate students in attendance from Ecuador and Libya through International partnerships agreements
- Signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí (UNESUM) allowing for an unprecedented level of cooperation between the institution.
- Signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with University of Calcutta
- Signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)
- Signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan
Increase leadership and reputation in international research
- Two international organizations recognize Western Education as one of the top faculties of education in the world
- Added four international partners through the SSHRC Partnership and Connections Program, including connections in Haiti and the United Kingdom
- Dr. Shelley Taylor is the first from Western University – and only the third from Canada – to be elected president of the TESOL International Association
- Dr. Jun Li has made history at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) - He is the first East Asia-born to be elected Vice-President and President Designate to office and the first from Western University
- Dr. Daniel Ansari is part of an international research group focused on developing digital learning technologies for children - As a result, Western graduate students will have more opportunities to be part of an international, interdisciplinary research group focused on developing digital learning technologies for children
- 25% of Faculty of Education Incites Research Collaborations are with international partners
Create pathways for globally/internationally educated teachers
- Developing a certifcation program called 'Teaching in Ontario' to help support internationally-trained teachers transitioning to Ontario