Shamiga (Shamy)  Arumuhathas

Shamiga (Shamy) Arumuhathas

Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

M.Ed., BA. Hons, B.Ed., York University (YU)

Shamiga (Shamy) Arumuhathas

Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies

M.Ed., BA. Hons, B.Ed., York University (YU)

Shamiga (Shamy) Arumuhathas is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at Western University's Faculty of Education specializing in Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies (CPELS) arc. Shamy has a B.Ed. and a certified member of the Ontario Teachers College (OCT) and presently an intermediate, senior, and adult educator at an Ontario Public School Board within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Shamy also has international teaching experience in the global east, specifically in East Asia. Her M.Ed. research concentrated on the neo-colonial and neo-racism praxis to investigate racialized international post-secondary students experiences and academic outcomes within South Korean universities. In Winter Term 2024, she is anticipated to perform limited duties of an instructor within the teacher education program at Western University’s Faculty of Education. Her current doctoral research examines the experiences of racialized international students within Ontario's higher education institutions under the coalescing equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, (EDID) and anti-racism zeitgeist to delineate the dissonance within institutional policies and practices. Shamy is committed to promoting equitable inclusion for marginalized communities, especially equity-seeking stakeholders in post-secondary education. 

Shamy's research interests also extend to the critical decolonization of higher education and teacher education through the establishment of sustainable practices that promote equitable inclusion for traditionally marginalized communities. As a dedicated research-practitioner and educator, Shamy is the recipient of the Inclusive Education Research Award in 2022 Competition presented by the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education. This recognition underscores her commitment to providing effective anti-racist, culturally relevant, and intercultural interventions in K-12 STEM/ STEAM, particularly for students of colour, both at the secondary and post-secondary levels, during academic, and personal crises. 

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Paul Tarc, PhD
