Dr. Immaculate Kizito Namukasa, PhD
Professor & Associate Dean, Graduate Education - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
B.Sc./ED. (BSC/ED, Makerere University), M.Sc.(Partially Completed, Makerere University), Ph.D. (University of Alberta)
Dr. Immaculate Kizito Namukasa, PhD
Professor & Associate Dean, Graduate Education - Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics
B.Sc./ED. (BSC/ED, Makerere University), M.Sc.(Partially Completed, Makerere University), Ph.D. (University of Alberta)
Welcome to my home page.
I am an Associate Professor in the areas of Mathematics Education and Curriculum and Pedagogy, as well distinguished teaching fellow with the Centre for Teaching and Learning (2017 to 2021).
Currently, I am responsible for both Graduate and Undergraduate courses.
I joined the Faculty of Education at Western from the University of Alberta, where I was a Doctoral student in the Department of Secondary Education.
I am a past journal editor for the Ontario Mathematics Gazette – a magazine for teachers and educators, and a current editor of the Math + code ‘Zine. My research work spans three public Ontario school boards and one private school system, and I have collaborated with international researchers in China and Africa. I also completed my Doctoral work in the Department of Secondary Education. Prior to undertaking her my PhD, I taught and engaged in school-level curriculum leadership in several roles in secondary school mathematics in Uganda.
In addition, I teach and have supervised several graduate students in Mathematics Education, Curriculum Studies and Research Methodology and Assessment in initial teacher education, academic graduate programs as well as in professional graduate programs at Western University.
My current research interests lie in Mathematics Teacher Education and Professional Development, Integration of Technology and Computational Thinking in Mathematics Education, Mathematics Learning Tools, Resources and Activities, and Curriculum and Pedagogical Reforms. My past research includes: Problem solving and its role among learners and teachers; theoretical discussions on use of virtual or concrete teaching materials; and the role of schooling, specifically one in which school mathematics plays in globalization.
I have also produced video resources on math-for-teaching through problem solving in which Ontario teachers are featured and collaboratively produced knowledge mobilization products.
Other projects that I have worked on during my spare time include STEM inclusion and excellence outreach, learning experiences and task design. My current research projects for which I am currently seeking for partnerships, collaborators and participants include: Incorporating Maker Activities in Teaching; Mathematics for Teaching in public and private schools, Tool-based innovative learning and teaching practices; Design and Research of Mathematics Learning Apps, as well as Computational Participation in Mathematics Education.
The research theses that I have supervised include:
PhD Dissertations
Understanding Self-directed Professional Development in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Phenomenographical Study. The University of Western Ontario.
The role of Mobile Phones in Health Education for Rural Communities in Ghana: An Exploratory Study in Digital Technologies. The University of Western Ontario.
M.Ed. and MA Thesis Completed
The nature of engagement of learners and their participating family members in community-based mathematics activities. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario.
Curriculum and instruction models of STEAM education in Ontario, Canada. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario.
ESL Language Learning Apps. Exploring Language Learning with Mobile Technology: A Content Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Apps for ESL learners in Canada. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario.
Ontario Teachers’ Understanding and Practices of Reform Instruction: A Case Study of Constructivism. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario.
An Analysis of Mathematics Methods Course Syllabi. (With Dr. Kotsopoulos, Wilfrid Laurier University) Faculty of Education, Western University. Leslie-Ann Purdy. The Impact of Mathematics Teacher Education Research on Pre-Service Teacher Education – North American Study. Completed 2010.
The role of visual languages in the lives of immigrant people. Faculty of Education, The University of Western Ontario, UWO.
Integration of Mathematics and Science: Views of Ontario Elementary School Teachers (With Paul Tarc), Faculty of Education, UWO.
Communication and Mathematics: A case for Ontario Secondary Teaching, Faculty of Education, UWO.
Personal experiences of collaborative professional learning in mathematics, Faculty of Education, UWO.
Communication in Mathematics: A Case for Conceptual Questioning in Ontario Middle School, Faculty of Education, UWO.
Articles in refereed journals (* with a student)
Namukasa I. K., Scucuglia, R. Gadanidis, G., & Hughes, J. (2018, submitted). Integrating Computational Thinking Tools in Mathematics Thinking Activities. MTL.
Scucuglia, R. Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Namukasa I. K. (2018, forth coming). Computational thinking as a heuristic endeavour: Students’ solutions of coding problems" foi finalizada. Pro-Posições
Namukasa I. K. (2018). Curriculum Resources Renewal: Ugandan school mathematics textbooks. ZDM, 18(5).https://rdcu.be/4bP3, 10.1007/s11858-018-0978-5.
* Kotsopoulos, D., Floyd, L., Khan, S., Namukasa, I. K., Somanath, S., Weber, J., & Yiu, C. (2017). A Pedagogical Framework for Computational Thinking. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 2, 154-172.
Namukasa, I. K., Minakshi, P., & Miller, M. (2017). Introductory CT and Math in the middle grades: Tools and Resources. Math + Code ‘Zine, 2 (2).
Namukasa, I. K., Sarina, V., & Weir, C. (2017). Manipulatives and analogies for teaching integers: an example of a grade 7 and 8 unit. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 55(2), 30-35.
Gadanidis, G., Cendros, R., Floyd, L., Namukasa, I. K. (2017). Computational thinking in mathematics teacher education. CITE Journal, 17 (4). Available at http://www.citejournal.org/volume-17/issue-4-17/mathematics/computational-thinking-in-mathematics-teacher-education/
Xiao, L., & Namukasa, I. K. (2015). Design-based Math Workshops. New Library World.
Kajander, A., Kotsopoulos, D., Martinovic, D., Whiteley, W., Craven, S., Hanna, G., Jarvis, D., Mgombelo, J., Namukasa, I. K., Pyper, J., Roulet, G. (2013). Mathematics pre-service teacher education in Ontario: Consultation Brief Regarding the Extended Pre-Service Program. Fields Mathematics Education Journal, pp. 81-41. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/journalarchive/FMEJ/81-41.pdf
Namukasa, I. K., Dent, S., Minello, K., & Stabiano, A (2013). Paul Erdös: Problem posing and Constellations in Mathematics. Mathematical Medley, 38(1), 16-29.Available at https://sms.math.nus.edu.sg/Publication/Publication.aspx
Namukasa, I. K., & Gadanidis, G. (2011). The I Teach Mathematics online project: Learning and teaching through problem solving studied in video interviews on innovative practices. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 1(4), 321-330.
Namukasa, I. K. (2011). Teaching through mathematics problems: Redesigned for a focus on mathematics. International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), 1(1), 50-56.
*Lang, M., & Namukasa, I. K., (2011). Problem solving as a pedagogical practice: Useful conceptions of Mathematics Professional Learning. Literacy Information and Computer Education, 1(4), 313–322.
Namukasa, I. K., & Gadanidis, G. (2010). Mathematical tasks as experiential therapy for elementary pre-service teachers. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/journal/default.htm.
Hibbert, C., Stooke, R., Pollock, K., Namukasa, I. K., Farahnaz, F., & O’Sullivan, J. (2010). The ‘Ten-Year Road’: Joys and Challenges on the Road to Tenure. Journal of Educational Thought, 44(1) 69–83.
Jarvis, D., & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). Geometry, Geography, and Equity: Fostering Global-Critical Perspectives in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom. Delta-K, 46(2), 18–26
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). A Critical Reflection on Mathematics-for-Teaching. Acta Scientia, 11(1), 21–30.
*Namukasa, I. K., Gadanidis, G., & Cordy, M. (2009). How to feel about and learn mathematics: Therapeutic intervention and attentiveness. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 9, 46–63. Available at http://www.merga.net.au/documents/MTED%20Vol%2010%201_12_Namukasa.pdf
*Namukasa, I. K., Stanley, D., & Tutchie, M. (2009). Virtual Manipulative Materials in Secondary Mathematics: A Theoretical Discussion. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(3), 277–307.
*Gadanidis, G., Namukasa, I. K., & Moghaddam, A. (2008). Mathematics-for-teachers online: Facilitating conceptual shifts in elementary teachers' views of mathematics. Bolema, 29, 131–155.
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2007). Mathematics-for-teachers (and students). Journal of Teaching and Learning, 5(1), 13-22. Available at http://hrgpapers.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/JTL/article/viewArticle/277.
*Namukasa, I. K., & Buye, R. (2007). Decentralization and Education in Africa: The Case of Uganda. Canadian and International Education, 36(1), 93–116.
Namukasa, I. K. (2004). Globalization and school mathematics. Interchange, 35(2), 209–227. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/18221k340185w43k/.
Gadanidis, G., LeSage, A., Mamolo, A. & Namukasa, I. K. (2017). Designing courses for K-12 teacher candidates: A focus on mathematical and computational thinking. In D. Petrarca & J. Kitchen (Eds.). Initial Teacher Education in Ontario: The First Year of Four-Semester Teacher Education Programs (pp. 319-336). Toronto: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
*Namukasa I. K., Gadanidis, G., Sarina, V., Scucuglia, R., & Aryee K. (2016). Selection of apps for teaching difficult math topics: concrete props, virtual applets and touch pad apps. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Eds.), International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives (pp. 275-300). Dordrecht: Springer.
*Namukasa I, K., Gadanidis, G., Sarina, V., Scuculga, R., & Aryee K. (in press). Selection of apps for teaching difficult math topics: concrete props, virtual applets and touch pad apps. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Eds.), International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives (pp). Dordrecht: Springer.
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2011). New media and online mathematics learning for teachers. D. Martinovic, V., Freiman, and Z. Karadag (Eds.), Visual Mathematics and Cyber learning. Dordrecht:
*Namukasa, I. K., Kaahwa, J., Quinn, M., & Ddungu, R. (2011). Critical curriculum renewal in Africa: the character of school mathematics in Uganda. In A. Abdi (Ed.). Decolonizing philosophies of education. Rotterdam: Sense.
Namukasa, I. K., Quinn, M., & Kaahwa, J. (in press). Historical influences on mathematics teaching and learning in Uganda. In A. Pitman (Ed.), Historical influences on mathematics teaching and learning. Rotterdam: Sense.
Namukasa, I. K., & Ddungu, R. (in Press). The Character of School Mathematics in Uganda. In A. Pitman, The Character of School Mathematics around the world. Rotterdam: Sense.
Gadanidis, G. & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). Teacher tasks for mathematical insight and reorganization of what it means to learn mathematics. In B. Clarke, B. Grevholm, and R. Millman, (Eds.). Effective Tasks in Primary Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 113–130). NY.: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/u42386wqr52215uj/
Gellert, U, Amato, S., Bairral, M., Zanette, L., Bloch, I., Gadanidis, G., Namukasa, I. K., Krummheuer, G. Grevholm, B. Bergsten, C. Miller, D., Peter-Koop, A., Wollring, B., Proulx, J., Rosu, L., Arvold, B., Sayac N. (2009). Practising Mathematics Teacher Education: Expanding the Realm of Possibilities. In R. Even, & D. L. Ball (Eds.), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics (pp 35–55). Dordrecht: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/r53x2115175kt618/
Lerman, S., Amato, S., Bednarz, N., David, M., Durand-Guerrier, V., Gadanidis, G., Huckstep, P., Moreira, P., Morselli, F., Movshovitz-Hadar, N., Namukasa, I. K., Proulx, J., Rowland, T., Thwaites, A., & Winsløw, C. (2009). Studying Student Teachers' Voices and Their Beliefs and Attitudes. In R. Even, & D. L. Ball (Eds.), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics pp. 73–82. Dordrecht: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/xv52536256241183/
Recent Publications
Articles in refereed journals (* with a student)
Namukasa I. K., Scucuglia, R. Gadanidis, G., & Hughes, J. (2018, submitted). Integrating Computational Thinking Tools in Mathematics Thinking Activities. MTL.
Scucuglia, R. Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Namukasa I. K. (2018, forth coming). Computational thinking as a heuristic endeavour: Students’ solutions of coding problems" foi finalizada. Pro-Posições
Namukasa I. K. (2018). Curriculum Resources Renewal: Ugandan school mathematics textbooks. ZDM, 18(5).https://rdcu.be/4bP3, 10.1007/s11858-018-0978-5.
* Kotsopoulos, D., Floyd, L., Khan, S., Namukasa, I. K., Somanath, S., Weber, J., & Yiu, C. (2017). A Pedagogical Framework for Computational Thinking. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 2, 154-172.
Namukasa, I. K., Minakshi, P., & Miller, M. (2017). Introductory CT and Math in the middle grades: Tools and Resources. Math + Code ‘Zine, 2 (2).
Namukasa, I. K., Sarina, V., & Weir, C. (2017). Manipulatives and analogies for teaching integers: an example of a grade 7 and 8 unit. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 55(2), 30-35.
Gadanidis, G., Cendros, R., Floyd, L., Namukasa, I. K. (2017). Computational thinking in mathematics teacher education. CITE Journal, 17 (4). Available at http://www.citejournal.org/volume-17/issue-4-17/mathematics/computational-thinking-in-mathematics-teacher-education/
Xiao, L., & Namukasa, I. K. (2015). Design-based Math Workshops. New Library World.
Kajander, A., Kotsopoulos, D., Martinovic, D., Whiteley, W., Craven, S., Hanna, G., Jarvis, D., Mgombelo, J., Namukasa, I. K., Pyper, J., Roulet, G. (2013). Mathematics pre-service teacher education in Ontario: Consultation Brief Regarding the Extended Pre-Service Program. Fields Mathematics Education Journal, pp. 81-41. http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/journalarchive/FMEJ/81-41.pdf
Namukasa, I. K., Dent, S., Minello, K., & Stabiano, A (2013). Paul Erdös: Problem posing and Constellations in Mathematics. Mathematical Medley, 38(1), 16-29.Available at https://sms.math.nus.edu.sg/Publication/Publication.aspx
Namukasa, I. K., & Gadanidis, G. (2011). The I Teach Mathematics online project: Learning and teaching through problem solving studied in video interviews on innovative practices. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 1(4), 321-330.
Namukasa, I. K. (2011). Teaching through mathematics problems: Redesigned for a focus on mathematics. International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT), 1(1), 50-56.
*Lang, M., & Namukasa, I. K., (2011). Problem solving as a pedagogical practice: Useful conceptions of Mathematics Professional Learning. Literacy Information and Computer Education, 1(4), 313–322.
Namukasa, I. K., & Gadanidis, G. (2010). Mathematical tasks as experiential therapy for elementary pre-service teachers. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/journal/default.htm.
Hibbert, C., Stooke, R., Pollock, K., Namukasa, I. K., Farahnaz, F., & O’Sullivan, J. (2010). The ‘Ten-Year Road’: Joys and Challenges on the Road to Tenure. Journal of Educational Thought, 44(1) 69–83.
Jarvis, D., & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). Geometry, Geography, and Equity: Fostering Global-Critical Perspectives in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom. Delta-K, 46(2), 18–26
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). A Critical Reflection on Mathematics-for-Teaching. Acta Scientia, 11(1), 21–30.
*Namukasa, I. K., Gadanidis, G., & Cordy, M. (2009). How to feel about and learn mathematics: Therapeutic intervention and attentiveness. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 9, 46–63. Available at http://www.merga.net.au/documents/MTED%20Vol%2010%201_12_Namukasa.pdf
*Namukasa, I. K., Stanley, D., & Tutchie, M. (2009). Virtual Manipulative Materials in Secondary Mathematics: A Theoretical Discussion. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 28(3), 277–307.
*Gadanidis, G., Namukasa, I. K., & Moghaddam, A. (2008). Mathematics-for-teachers online: Facilitating conceptual shifts in elementary teachers' views of mathematics. Bolema, 29, 131–155.
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2007). Mathematics-for-teachers (and students). Journal of Teaching and Learning, 5(1), 13-22. Available at http://hrgpapers.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/JTL/article/viewArticle/277.
*Namukasa, I. K., & Buye, R. (2007). Decentralization and Education in Africa: The Case of Uganda. Canadian and International Education, 36(1), 93–116.
Namukasa, I. K. (2004). Globalization and school mathematics. Interchange, 35(2), 209–227. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/18221k340185w43k/.
Gadanidis, G., LeSage, A., Mamolo, A. & Namukasa, I. K. (2017). Designing courses for K-12 teacher candidates: A focus on mathematical and computational thinking. In D. Petrarca & J. Kitchen (Eds.). Initial Teacher Education in Ontario: The First Year of Four-Semester Teacher Education Programs (pp. 319-336). Toronto: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
*Namukasa I. K., Gadanidis, G., Sarina, V., Scucuglia, R., & Aryee K. (2016). Selection of apps for teaching difficult math topics: concrete props, virtual applets and touch pad apps. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Eds.), International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives (pp. 275-300). Dordrecht: Springer.
*Namukasa I, K., Gadanidis, G., Sarina, V., Scuculga, R., & Aryee K. (in press). Selection of apps for teaching difficult math topics: concrete props, virtual applets and touch pad apps. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Eds.), International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives (pp). Dordrecht: Springer.
Gadanidis, G., & Namukasa, I. K. (2011). New media and online mathematics learning for teachers. D. Martinovic, V., Freiman, and Z. Karadag (Eds.), Visual Mathematics and Cyber learning. Dordrecht:
*Namukasa, I. K., Kaahwa, J., Quinn, M., & Ddungu, R. (2011). Critical curriculum renewal in Africa: the character of school mathematics in Uganda. In A. Abdi (Ed.). Decolonizing philosophies of education. Rotterdam: Sense.
Namukasa, I. K., Quinn, M., & Kaahwa, J. (in press). Historical influences on mathematics teaching and learning in Uganda. In A. Pitman (Ed.), Historical influences on mathematics teaching and learning. Rotterdam: Sense.
Namukasa, I. K., & Ddungu, R. (in Press). The Character of School Mathematics in Uganda. In A. Pitman, The Character of School Mathematics around the world. Rotterdam: Sense.
Gadanidis, G. & Namukasa, I. K. (2009). Teacher tasks for mathematical insight and reorganization of what it means to learn mathematics. In B. Clarke, B. Grevholm, and R. Millman, (Eds.). Effective Tasks in Primary Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 113–130). NY.: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/u42386wqr52215uj/
Gellert, U, Amato, S., Bairral, M., Zanette, L., Bloch, I., Gadanidis, G., Namukasa, I. K., Krummheuer, G. Grevholm, B. Bergsten, C. Miller, D., Peter-Koop, A., Wollring, B., Proulx, J., Rosu, L., Arvold, B., Sayac N. (2009). Practising Mathematics Teacher Education: Expanding the Realm of Possibilities. In R. Even, & D. L. Ball (Eds.), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics (pp 35–55). Dordrecht: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/r53x2115175kt618/
Lerman, S., Amato, S., Bednarz, N., David, M., Durand-Guerrier, V., Gadanidis, G., Huckstep, P., Moreira, P., Morselli, F., Movshovitz-Hadar, N., Namukasa, I. K., Proulx, J., Rowland, T., Thwaites, A., & Winsløw, C. (2009). Studying Student Teachers' Voices and Their Beliefs and Attitudes. In R. Even, & D. L. Ball (Eds.), The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics pp. 73–82. Dordrecht: Springer. Available at http://www.springerlink.com/content/xv52536256241183/
Teaching and Supervision
I am currently teaching the following courses:
- 641 Graduate Course, Testing and Assessing Student Learning
- 52 S Historical-Conceptual Development of Mathematics
- 678 Graduate Course, Diverse Traditions: Approaches to Educational Research
- 564 Graduate Course, Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- Mathematics 24: Mathematics in the Elementary School
- J/I Mathematics: Teaching and Learning Theory in Elementary Mathematics
Previously I taught the following courses at the University of Alberta
- EDEL 316: Communication Through Mathematics
- EDSE 337: Curriculum and Teaching in Secondary School Mathematics
Math-for-Teaching Problems solving videos:
- The Math of Chop sticks
- The Great Fraction Debate
- The Math of Swinging Pendulums
- The Math of Wage Labour
- The Art of a Straight Line
These are the websites, conferences and documents I regularly visit:
Educational Weblinks | |
Ministry of Education | link to the Ministry |
Ontario College of Teachers | provincial teachers' association |
Complexity and Education | forum for educators interested in complexity research |
Ontario Curriculum | curriculum documents |
NCTM Illuminations | Support resources for Reform curriculum |
Faculty of Education | Faculty website, University of Western, Ontario |
Conferences | |
CMESG | May, Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group |
PME | July, International Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference |
Complexity & Education | October, Complexity Research Educators |
Supporting Documents | |
MathematicsTeaching Resources | a list of resources for inservice teachers |
My CV | a PDF copy of my resume |
JI Math Course Outline | a course outline for my JI class |