Graduate Students


As a graduate student, there are two types of funding available to support your research. You can apply for internal travel grants from the Faculty of Education to cover conference travel to present research results. A number of external funding opportunities are also available. Below are the links to internal opportunities and to Pivot - a large international database for searching external research funding opportunities.

Funding Opportunities

Education Internal Funding

Please note that the March 1st deadline has been postponed due to the ongoing application review. Please check this page for updates.

Graduate Conference Travel Deadline: March 1st and October 1st (if funding is still available).

1- Download the form related to the competition you are applying for and open it locally using Adobe Reader.

2- Complete the form, make sure it is signed

3- Submit the form via the Submit Form

**The final report must be submitted via the ONLINE FINAL REPORT FORM no later than ONE MONTH after the conference.**

Western Internal Funding

External Grants

General Resources

External Awards and Scholarships

If you are interested in applying for any external awards and scholarships such as SSHRC, Vanier, CGS, etc. please consult Western's Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies webpage on external funding.

Western Financial Support

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