
The Faculty of Education’s strategic focus on Indigenization is informed by the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE), Accord on Indigenous Education; Western University’s Indigenous Strategic Plan; and the Provost’s Task Force on Implementation of Western’s Indigenous Strategic Plan. For more information on these documents please see links below. The following excerpt on Indigenization is from the Faculty of Education’s strategic vision, 2018-2023:

We understand that Indigenization is most effectively organized by embedding an integrated approach across the faculty alongside a leadership structure that contains individuals with specialized training and capabilities. To compliment our integrated approach, we will create a new leadership structure that supports us in becoming a notable influence at the local and national levels in Indigenous education. We will nurture and expand our commitments in supporting the distinctive teaching and learning needs of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students while prioritizing Indigenous Peoples’ scholarship, perspectives and ways of knowing.

For more information on how the Faculty of Education is supporting Indigenization please visit the 5 Year Strategic Vision: 2023-2028.