2016-17 academic year award recipients
The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce the names of our award recipients for the 2016-17 academic year. We are very proud of each and every one of our awardees and congratulate them on their achievements!
W.A. Townshend Gold Medal in Education
The Gold Medal is in honour of the Late Bishop Townshend of London, Ontario, and is awarded to the student who has achieved the highest academic standing in his/her program of study.
Fall 2016 Convocation
We are pleased to share that our Fall 2016 recipient for the W.A. Townshend Gold Medal is Xing Meng. Xing’s thesis examined the importance of multiliteracies in early-years education. By showcasing a lived story of a grade one teacher who has implemented multiliteracies pedagogy in her classroom the study suggested that applying multiliteracies pedagogy not only motivated the grade one children to take ownership of their learning but also transforms the way the teacher makes sense of her teaching. Results emphasized that teacher education plays a critical role in preparing and supporting an early years educator to be successful. Xing strongly hopes that the study can provide a source of practical knowledge for teachers from which to draw and reflect. It is also Xing’s hope that this story can lead to improvements in teacher education and transformations in standardized assessments in early childhood education. Xing was supervised by Dr. Mi Song Kim.
Spring 2017 convocation
We are pleased to share that our Spring 2017 recipient for the W.A. Townshend Gold Medal is Victoria Sabo. Victoria has a longstanding interest in social justice advocacy with a primary focus on informing rehabilitative practice and policy implementation. Her research has sought to assist marginalized youth and their families involved in the justice system by highlighting their experiences within the contexts of poverty, peers, and mental health. Findings emphasize the significance of economic status, service accessibility, and neighbourhood context, in contributing to mental health and social development in adolescence. Her research hopes to communicate an urgency for the support of school, mental health, and poverty reduction, initiatives for youth. Victoria’s thesis is titled, Social Relationship in Young Offenders: Relevance to Peers, Poverty, and Psychological Adjustment. Victoria was supervised by Dr. Alan Leschied.
Other spring 2017 awards and recipients
John Dearness Memorial Award
Mary Ott
Joan Pedersen Memorial Graduate Award
Hanaa Ghannoum
Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education Award
Melissa Coyne-Foresi
Ayman Massouti
Erica Partridge
Art Geddis “Learning About Teaching” Memorial Award
Emma Cooper
Jessica Jean Campbell Coulson Award
Erica Partridge
The Robert Macmillan Graduate Award in Educational Leadership
Danielle Carr
Alberta O’Neil Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Janell Klassen
Walter M. Lobb Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Richelle Bird
Alberta O’Neil Award in Physical Education
Megan Pickett
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Catherine Zeisner
Wayne Martino
Bill Tucker
Alicia Lapointe
Beatrice Helmkay Scholarship
Emma Fryday
Dawson Woodburn Memorial Award
Johnson Wong
Melissa Kirby
Dean’s Prize in Education
Devon Bishundat
Angelica Martinez
Harold Dene Webber Scholarship in Education
Lisa Briona
Don Galbraith Preservice Teacher Award of Excellence
Lisa Briona
Don Wright Faculty of Education Music Scholarship
Jeff Webster
Beatrice Wright
Dorothy Emery Memorial Award in Visual Arts Education
Brian Yam
Brittany Hinton
The Elizabeth T. Dorner Award
Katherine Engelhardt
F.C. Biehl Memorial Award for Excellence in English Education
Kaelyn Crossland-Smith
Faculty of Education Students’ Council Award for Practice Teaching Excellence
Elliott Howe
D. Carlton Williams Gold Medal in Education
Kaelyn Crossland-Smith
J. Bowden Memorial Award
Amy Oliver
John Dearness Memorial Preservice Award
Christine Oliver
Laura & Ed McLeish Scholarship
Kaelyn Crossland-Smith
Margaret Fallona Award for Excellence in French Second Language Education
Isabelle Arthur
Matthew & Cornelia Koens Scholarship
Kayla Tripp
Milton & Helen Walker Scholarship in Science Education
David Gomes
Milton & Helen Walker Scholarship in Mathematics Education
Shawn McIntosh
Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association Award
Angelica Martinez
Faculty of Education Students’ Council Award
Beth-Ann Smith
Retired Teachers of Ontario District 8 Student Award for Excellence in Practice Teaching
Emma Fryday
Hadeel Zibage
Sylvia Cann Memorial Award
Danica Belfry
Stephanie Green
Faculty of Education Students’ Council Award for Student Leadership
Jayme Knowles
W.S. Turner Award
Jonathan Dearden
Laura & Ed McLeish Scholarship
Brendan Roy
Robert and Joline Brant Religious Education Award
Aleigha Charette
Breanne Cheeseman
David Wolfe Scholarship on Research on Violence Prevention
Laura Olszowy
Michael Saxton
Scotiabank Graduate Award for Studies in Violence Against Women and Children
Randal David
Amanda Kerry
Scotiabank Undergraduate Award for Studies in Violence Against Women and Children
Jordan Hennessey
Kyleen Wong
Elisabeth Steel Reurink Memorial Award
Chelsea Heron
Kayla Sapardanis
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Jane Edwards
Laura Lockhart
Lisa Floyd