Visiting Speaker - Dr. Susanne Miesera
April 8, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Faculty of Education Bldg (FEB 1139)
Watch the recorded session here!
Inclusive education in Canada and in the German-speaking countries in Europe: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. What are the current challenges?
Globally, there are efforts to create a quality inclusive education system. The aim is to enable learning for all children and young people and to prepare teachers appropriately for teaching in inclusive classes. The paths to this goal are being developed differently in the various countries. In this lecture, Dr. habil. Susanne Miesera, Academic Director, will present the results of comparative research between Canada and the German-speaking countries. Susanne Miesera has been conducting quantitative and qualitative research in research teams for many years. The results highlight the current challenges for the countries and identify approaches for inclusive teacher education.
This event is both in-person and via Zoom.
Registration link: Microsoft Form
Zoom link:
There will be light refreshments served in-person at the event in Room 1139 in the Faculty of Education.